Alfredo Sfeir-Younis recibe prestigioso reconocimiento de la Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

El destacado economista, ecologista y guía espiritual chileno, Alfredo Sfeir-Younis – Dzambling Cho Tab Khen, ha sido galardonado con un reconocimiento especial por parte del Res.m Hub de la Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, una de las universidades más prestigiosas de Italia.

Keynote Speech by Alfredo Sfeir-Younis at the WGF Global Business and Investment Forum

Dr. Alfredo Sfeir-Younis, former Director of the World Bank and special Representative of the United Nations gave a Keynote Speech at the World Growth Forums Global Business Investment Forum (WGF-GBIF), on 24th February 2024, organized at Baiyoke Sky Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. Dr. Alfredo spoke on Global Warming and Climate Change, and emphasized that all countries must work towards human change and enlightenment on global issues.



Encuentro Con la Realidad Tal Como Es: Pura y Simple

Hay momentos en que el encuentro contigo mismo representa el motor y el motivo para continuar con nuestra transformación interior. Es algo indispensable. Desde mi caminar espiritual comparto algunos momentos con ustedes.

Conscious Sustainability

Documentary | 23 Chapters

New Chapter every Monday

Dr. Alfredo Sfeir Younis, a renowned sustainable development leader and spiritual leader sharing insights on Conscious Sustainability Leadership (CSL). Dr. Sfeir Younis worked at the United Nations for nearly 30 years reaching the position of World Bank Director in Geneva. He is now President of the Zambuling Institute and a Buddhist teacher dedicated to world healing and sustainability awareness. Dr. Marco Tavanti, professor of sustainability leadership and global ethics conducted these interviews during a visit of Dr. Sfeir Younis in San Francisco on the occasion of the 74th anniversary of the United Nations on October 24, 2019.

Sfeir FILM

Documental | 10 capítulos con el mensaje del maestro Alfredo Sfeir-Younis – Dzambling Cho Tab Khen. 

Un Camino Hacia la Paz

1.- Vivimos Permanentemente en Conflicto

Walking with Lama Gangchen Tulku Rinpoche

“Inner peace is the strongest foundation of peace in the world”

caminando con lama gangchen tulku rinpoche

“La Paz Interior es el fundamento más sólido de la paz en el mundo”

Gastón Soublette: Premio Nacional de la Paz

La Asociación Internacional de Educadores por la Paz Mundial otorgará por primera vez en Chile el Premio Nacional de la Paz al filósofo, musicólogo, esteta y estudioso de la cultura tradicional Gastón Soublette, quien ha contribuido en la educación como una base fundamental en su desarrollo, destacando el concepto de educación por la paz y la paz interior.

Con énfasis en el autoconocimiento dan inicio a la II escuela de salud y bienestar de Vicuña

Control de ansiedad y sueño desde la naturopatía, yoga, chi kung, terapia holística, propiedades y atributos de la lavanda, son algunos de los temas que se han visto y se verán, durante esta semana de charlas y talleres.

Mientras Pueda

Una reflexión de Alfredo Sfeir-Younis –  Dzambling Cho Tab Khen

Meditación por la Paz Mundial

Un mensaje de Alfredo Sfeir-Younis –  Dzambling Cho Tab Khen

The Moment Is Now

Alfredo Sfeir-Younis 2023 WGF Man Of Extraordinary Excellence

Life Is A Constant Meditation

(A Book of Spiritual Messages For The New Millenium)
by Alfredo Sfeir Younis – Dzambling Cho Tab Khen


The Zambuling Institute for Human Transformation

Our main objective is to create a global grassroots forum on human rights and human responsibilities, and an all-encompassing spirituality in public policies and business.

ZIHT is asking all of us to address various planetary challenges. The call is for Global Citizens to take positive actions through collaborative relationships with nature, with the view to amplify all voices interested in a prosperous and sustainable life on planet earth.

Alfredo Sfeir Younis

Dzambling Cho Tab Khen - President , ZIHT


More of the same will yield more of the same. Thus, it is our challenge to change, to be in constant change. To be change itself. But you must know your destiny!!

Alfredo Sfeir Younis - Dzambling Cho Tab Khen

The Power of Knowledge

Conscious Sustainability Leadership

A New Paradigm For Next Generation Leaders

Ecología Para Niños

Ecology for Children. Infinite gratitude to the Divine, who through colors and images, will create the space to transform the consciousness of a generation that deserves and has the right to a clean environment.

Sustentabilidad Ahora

Sustainability Now. I share here some thoughts that I presented during the 2013 presidential campaign: The Other Way.

Peace Now

This book is dedicated to the children who died and are dying as a result of war.

Act Now

This book is dedicated to all human beings who act to create a better environment for all forms of life in this Planet.

Change The World

A repository of articles, reflections, interviews, events, essays, columns of Alfredo Sfeir-Younis.

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