
“Let’s promote activities that have no resource limits and thus Chile’s growth will not have limits either: art, music, beauty, culture, science …”


“We know very well who is harmed by poverty. We do not eliminate poverty because there are many who benefit from more poverty. We will only be a rich country when there are no more poor.”


“Millions of Chileans live with the insecurity of tomorrow. It promotes fundamentalism and violence. Human security is a state within us and we must nurture it with useful forms of citizen interaction.”


“The history of Chile will be written by future generations. What will they write about us? We are leaving cars, airplanes, buildings, computers, shopping centers … Is that what they expect of us? Life is more than material things. ¡ Let’s build for those who come !. “


“We Chileans want a new and renewed nation … for this, we must have a new citizen conscience.”


What good is economic growth when the well-being of large numbers of people deteriorates as they grow faster? What good is it to gain points in the growth rate, when our inequality indices are one of the worst in Latin America and the world?


Our politics is exhausted, defeated and trampled on. Building a new political spirit calls us to be a nation, to nurture our identity and believe in our hopes as a people. A policy without spirit is illegitimate!


We cannot live on political promises but on citizen realities. The policy should be of service and not of serving. It is the citizenship who establishes the horizons of politics and not politics the horizons of citizenship.


In life there is always a moment of truth. An instant in which we have to make decisions from the depths of being. In Chilean politics this is the historical moment of truth and not continue to destroy our citizen capital.


We are one with everything, and everything is within us. We are part of the country and at the same time it is within us. It is our collective conscience that will nurture new ways of doing (being) politics.


In Chile we have followed the path of the state and the market. We have literally done it. Today, the market produces inequity and environmental destruction. What is our next path?


A national and conscious identity makes us go from being a country to being a Nation. But what is being Chilean? An important part of this identity is our culture, land and “crazy geography”. Let’s take care of them !!


We have to worry about the future of our children. You do not have to exercise rights only for yourself, but also for others. The time has come to claim, vote and commit to a society that has childhood, youth and maturity.


Today, citizens demand a new way of doing politics: a politics of conscience and values. Chile has followed the path of the state and the market to the letter. Today, we have to follow the green path.


Power has to be creative and not an inert mass that afflicts all people. Internal power, what I call “empowerment”, is the only way to sustainable development. Sustainability entails citizen empowerment.


The most important poverty in our country comes from a segregated, poor quality and inequitable education. Achieving a national consensus is very important and this is thanks to the students and their parents. They have put this issue at the center of politics, economics and society. For them the issue is not only financing, but quality and many dimensions that go beyond. The Green Ecologist Party’s proposal is for a free, high-quality, non-profit public education. An education system is also proposed that is not the source of inequality at the citizen, regional and national level. We will place great emphasis on the well-being of students and teachers. We will invest in human and social capital in all rural areas of Chile so that children and students do not feel discriminated against and left behind. We will be concerned with a comprehensive education from nursery schools to a doctorate: not just an education to do or have but an education to know and BE. It is there that culture, art, music, customs, history, civic education, and so many other subjects – that have been left behind – must take the position they deserve. We want an education of individual and collective conscience with Chilean and universal values ​​and with a high level of social conscience.


Faced with the existing political scenarios, many people abstain from voting because they think they cannot do anything. They say: “these elections are the same to me because I have to work the same, all politicians are the same.” I am convinced that today is the time to vote and build a new Chile.


“Citizens demand a new vision of the country that entails a profound change towards forms of well-being that do not allow the existing inequity or environmental destruction. A path that builds the architecture of a sustainable, healthy, clean, fair and supportive future “.


“The great change in Chile will be a change in consciousness”. We are Life … in each of us the will to correct the passing of history and grant ourselves a better place for ourselves, our children, our grandchildren, our descendants … We are


“This model must be changed. It is a fragile model in the face of international crises, which concentrates wealth, creates inequity and destroys the environment, without having automatic correction mechanisms. It is a model that has produced a decrease in the quality of life through diseases and social stress (dismemberment of the family, neighborhoods and local organizations ”


“Chile is not only a country on the map but it is also a nation. A nation sheltered by the desert, the mountains, the South Pole and the Pacific Ocean. We are daughters and sons of this land. Chile belongs to us and must not be for sale, at auction or to the highest bidder. Everything here belongs to all of us. We have rights and responsibilities and we must ensure that those rights are respected and that those responsibilities are assumed in all their dimensions. To go from a country to a nation we must have a strong democracy and a large part of that strength is made by you with the vote. “


«The ultimate cause of inequity in Chile is the ownership of our natural resources … whoever takes over the space, who takes over the natural resources of the space, who makes resources that do not belong to him, will dominate the distribution of income and equity in our country … first measure a constitutional reform in which Chile’s natural resources belong to all Chileans »


“This model must be changed. It is a fragile model in the face of international crises, which concentrates wealth, creates inequity and destroys the environment, without having automatic correction mechanisms. It is a model that has produced a decrease in the quality of life through diseases and social stress (dismemberment of the family, neighborhoods and local organizations ”


“What we are giving the students is not a re-enchantment, we must not re-enchant them: the students have always been in society and we must give them a reason to vote.”


“Chile loves to compare itself with the OECD and we have the worst inequity coefficients, at the same time, we have better growth rates than the OECD average, but we are the penultimate of the list in happiness coefficients. The OECD has long said ‘correct this’, but inequality is of many kinds, it is not just wage inequality, it is also an ecological inequity. 80% of the capital assets of the poor are neither infrastructure nor finance, but stocks of natural capital. For example, in the field the person has fruit trees and takes care of them. For the poor population their land is very important “


“I was always against the dictatorship. A dark time in our history where the human rights of thousands of Chilean men and women were violated. A moment where our human and social fabric was deeply destroyed, our trust in public institutions, including justice.


“I have always been on the side of human rights. Together we must establish the bases so that this deep suffering is healed and the great crimes that Chile suffered become a historical lesson for all. “This has not been and will not be an easy road. But on this path to the presidency of the republic we will never diminish the importance of a subject as delicate and sensitive as the military coup and the dictatorship. “Despite the 40 years that have passed since September 11, 1973, when the military dictatorship took power, it is evident that in our society there are still deep wounds that are open. This suggests that the efforts that have been made to restore unity, particularly on a human level, have not been sufficient. “For this to materialize, we must consider at least three fundamental dimensions: truth (full transparency), justice (application of human rights) and reconciliation. We all know that there are many truths that have not yet come to light, that are hidden, or that have been distorted, and this cannot continue. It is this transparent truth that will give way to true justice, not only of rights but also of fact. The truth is the first rung. “Justice must be equitable, permanent and universal. A justice for those who have been directly affected as well as for their closest relatives. A justice that is accompanied by compassion and empowerment. Justice is the second rung. “Because there has been no truth and justice, there has not been a real reconciliation either. It just hasn’t materialized. Reconciliation is the last step. 15 “This situation of pain and anguish cannot be used to obtain political dividends. This is a mistake that is going to result in less reconciliation. Nor will it be just politics or a purely material compensation that will lead us to a final reconciliation. “Reconciliation is within us and not in the political arena as we know it today. They are the dimensions (a) of the human, solidarity, love and cooperation and (b) of asking for forgiveness and being forgiven, which together ultimately take precedence over all things. “These processes have penetrated to the depths of our social fabric and this demands a process of mutuality: we. That is why the Chileans affected demand that all those who were involved apologize. “This is the moment of commitment. A commitment so that we can definitely reconcile forever. We are deeply committed to true reconciliation. Let’s use everything in our power so that we can heal definitively. “May this process strengthen us and strengthen our democracy and build a future where that historical aberration never occurs again.” 16 Citizens demand a new vision of the country that entails a profound change towards forms of well-being that do not allow existing inequity or environmental destruction. A path that builds the architecture of a sustainable, healthy, clean, fair and supportive future.


The most important sign of a people is its physical, mental, and spiritual health. Today we are victims of major diseases in both urban and rural areas. Health services are not up to what is needed in Chile, especially in the low-income strata. Many of these diseases are caused and are the result of our economic system that pollutes the air, water and land. Pollution from industry, genetically modified foods, and junk foods are the main source of weakening our immune systems. This weakening has been accelerated by environmental destruction.


The seed is life and should not be subject to patents. Chilean seeds are ours. We have zero tolerance for GMOs. We will create a national seed bank with an infrastructure for their conservation and citizen participation.


“We all remember teachers as teachers, counselors, friends, confidants … They are part of our family. The influence of a teacher remains forever. We must regain the dignity of our teachers with respect and awareness of their human and social contribution to our There must be a significant increase in their salaries and a payment for the hours of preparation, as well as a system of continuous and effective improvement. The government must take care of their well-being including also housing and transportation. They are the wise that fuels the creation of a new future. “


“There are billions of poor people around the world. Lack of food, sleep hungry, and feel totally marginalized: without water, sanitation, housing, decent work … Chile will be a rich country when there are no poor. When the poverty has been eliminated. Poverty that arises from the processes of wealth creation. This is not a problem of numbers or economic. It is an ethical problem that must be solved now. There are many types of poverty: material and spiritual. We do not promote a model where we would be materially rich, and spiritually poor. “


“Very soon our shield will cease to exist because we have a few condors and huemules left. Also because the time has come to use peace and not force. Our country has been dominated by physical and economic force … Now we have to seek the power of our inner strength. What motto would our people want? What words would be involved? What message do we want to repeat at every moment? I like our flag. Our identity and spirit as a nation must be magnified. “


“Let us not be afraid of being different or of acting differently. The strength of a democracy does not lie in uniformity but in full diversity: I am because you are and you are because I am. The challenge is UNION, shame it is discrimination, and despair is living without an identity of one’s own. I admire the youth who cry out for a different change for Chile and fight for it.”


Voting, more than a duty, is a right. Your citizen right to chart the destiny of your country. Demand it! Your chance is now. Vote free. For those of us who have had the opportunity to hold a leadership position, be it professional, religious, spiritual, social, or political, we know that one of the most important challenges is how to achieve union between those who are in favor with those who are in favor. against (regardless of what is in question).


Excess of Population. When Malthus spoke a couple of centuries ago about the impact that excess population has on the well-being of humanity (and we are already more than 7 billion people) and when the Club of Rome spoke in the 1970s about limits to growth economic (our natural resources and the environment), these calls are as valid today as they were when they were enunciated. For demographic, ecological, human and social reasons, in the very near future we will have to change this economic system, to adopt the economy of solidarity in an empowered way. An economic system in which not only individual growth and accumulation are the primary determinants of the well-being of our society, but rather happiness, equity, justice, and compassion. A system in which we, as a collective entity, will have greater importance than the purely individual well-being. Today we live on a planet without borders, where we have to include others in our strategies and actions. Alone we will get nowhere. This solidarity will enrich our relationships with each human being, as well as with all other living beings and forms of life that exist on our planet. That is why the great importance of our animals, they are our companions on this journey on Earth. The transition towards an economy of solidarity, with everyone and with everything, demands the self-realization of interdependence, as a state of being, a value, a virtue, or a way of becoming aware of “the other”. We are not independent (in its traditional definition). We are interdependent. That is our true nature as humanity.


Economy of the soul. There was once a country called Chile that had a great ocean, clean and pure, a blue sky, a white mountain full of glaciers, many fertile rivers and valleys, a south pole full of snow, thousands of wonderful animals and birds. , unique native forests… In fact, their national anthem highlighted the purity of their environment and ecology. Its shield had as national symbols a wonderful bird called “condor” and a unique animal in the world called “huemul”. None of which exist today: they are extinct. I think there are some replicas in a wax museum in the same room as the dinosaurs. Also, in that shield there was “a call” that highlighted how that society wanted to grow or transform; and said: “by reason or force.” According to what the grandmothers and grandfathers, our ancestors, told us, some opted for reason and others for force. A minority chose the spirit. The ecological destruction caused by the market system and its concentration of wealth was so great that brute force, conflict, and not peace or the internal force of these people finally prevailed. They say that the violence began with the scarcity of water. They also say that the Chileans and Chileans were very special. A caring and generous people. But it was won over by globalization, inequality, and the ego. Before disappearing as a people, diseases were rife, children were sick, and people in general were very overwhelmed with so many diseases. But the interesting thing is that they always had a very high GDP, better than most of the countries of their continent and the world. They had the highest level of connectivity, a per-capita income in a developed country, and the most prosperous GM agriculture in the world. At that time they called it a food powerhouse. The only thing we know with certainty is the last message they left in a bunker before disappearing: “We are the last Chileans left here; we have a huge mountain of dollars and pounds sterling; but there are no longer native forests, no clean air or water; Nobody wants us to receive these monies to re-plant trees and shrubs and try to import birds and animals, since there are none; tell everyone who reads this message that money does not buy well-being or happiness; We learned that an economy without spirituality leads us to ruin; do not make the mistake of growing only in the world of the material; the most important capital in a society is its human and natural capital; I’m running out of ink so I have to leave this message here.”


Our first national priority is to enrich our identity as a people. Today, a very deep emptiness is felt, because at most we know something of what we do not want to be. I wonder: When did our identity start to disappear? Is it possible to get it back? Who are we on this planet? What do we have to contribute to this planet? What is our place in this great matrix of interdependence? Chileans can and must deliver “that” that we ARE and not only “that” that we HAVE or that we DO. Behind our minerals, fish, fruit and wood there are Chilean women and men: there is a soul, there is a nature, there is a people. Culture, theater, beauty, ecology, art, expression, stories, history, traditions, customs, languages… NOW!


Principles of Commerce.
The World Fair Trade Organization prescribes 10 important principles:
– First, create opportunities for those producers who face real disadvantages.
– Second, have transparency and assume responsibilities (accountability).
– Third, a fair trade practice (a concern for the economic, social and environmental well-being of marginalized producers).
– Fourth, the payment of a fair price (a remuneration that is socially acceptable).
– Fifth, where there is no child labor, no forced labor.
– Sixth, a commitment to non-discrimination, economic empowerment of gender and women, and freedom of association.
– Seventh, ensure acceptable working conditions (decent work).
– Eighth, provide improvement of institutional capacity.
– Ninth, promote fair trade.
– Tenth, respect for the environment.


Homeless People.
I worked for several years with homeless people in Washington D.C., USA. The organization was called Martha’s Table. I never stop being in that difficult and complex space. Today in the morning I was shocked. I always pass by the street orphans and I see a man on the street who sleeps on a bench. That is his house. There he reads, smokes, eats and transcends. Today I saw him again, he was sleeping around 10 a.m. I did my errands and came back around 11 a.m. by the same route and I found him walking almost upon reaching San Antonio. When I passed by his bench, it was totally empty. I asked some people who had seen what happened and they informed me that the police evicted him. How did this end? They took all his bedding and belongings from him and left him alone in the street – a brutal and unbalanced action in my view. Loneliness leads them to the streets and the solution is once again a brutally unfair loneliness. There was no social psychologist, psychiatrist, or specialist on these issues. Just the act of the police. How is it possible that this is happening in our country? A major shame. An act of violence. An inhuman act. What do you think this man is going to do? Where is he going to stop? How is he going to get a place to spend the night? How will he get his belongings? What is he in front of his challenges, without our society do something ?. The most shocking thing was the public’s posture: indifferent spectators. If we are not able to adequately solve this type of situation in our society, we will never solve our problems. I make a call to respect, consider, help, and resolve the grievances of the homeless.


Just as “the market” is the main instrument to achieve the objectives of a neoliberal economy, “empowerment” citizens is the fundamental basis for building a truly sustainable society. There is a great reason to empower ourselves: Chile is ours.


Write a new Chile.
From Asia I remember my beloved Chile. I remember Ninhue and its surroundings and so many other corners of my homeland. A hug of relief and strength to all those who are still suffering as a result of the earthquake and the great fire. A big bear hug. Chile must become an example for all humanity of the new model of development and transformation that we must embrace. That when the history of this new millennium is written, it be said in all languages ​​that it was we who moved the essential piece for a sustainable planet. Today we are a respected country. I want this respect to carry with it an admiration for our way of protecting our human and natural environment. Let it be proclaimed in all corners of the planet that we are the country of natural health, healthy eating, the absence of stress, and great stability. What comes to me the most from Asia is its great identity. I see how they grow it, feed it, and share it. Where is ours? How is ours? Who do we want to share ours with?


There are hundreds of internal prisons, minor and major. Today, I just want to illustrate these prisons with a couple of examples. First, the attachment. This is something that is sometimes very subtle and that we do not realize how attached we are to the material world or other forms of existence. In a world where desire has become a necessity, detachment is a very important path for all of us. Second, our values. Individual and collective values ​​are very essential in life and in all activities and decisions in which we are involved. But there is a moment in which the way we see our values, of practicing them, of manifesting them – as dogmas, defensive instruments, forms of discrimination in relation to others – that are transformed into a great internal prison. Sometimes we are drowning in our own values! Third our logic. It is important to note that we practice internal logic of the mind so much that in the end we think that this is reality. But, it is not reality! And it is in this void between logic and reality that many internal prisons are born and we respond, for example, “that is so.” And we affirm it as if it were a reality. You have to adopt concrete practices to get back to reality. In reality there are no prisons. The sun is the sun. And you don’t feel trapped when you go out every day. Fourth, toxicity. There are many forms of toxicity that are very difficult prisons to combat. I mean drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc. But I also mean other forms of intoxication such as bad thoughts, a negative mind, personal and social carelessness, being a constant critic, use of discrimination, and so many other internal prisons that shape our world. You know very well what your internal prisons are. It is difficult not to know them, as they are the main source of suffering. If you want to get rid of them, start by acknowledging your reality. Know yourself.


Responsibility Economy.
Let’s move on to “The Economy of Responsibility.” At the moment we frequently hear terms such as the neoliberal economy, the capitalist economy, the social market economy, etc. Today I propose The Economy of Responsibility, where economic and social development must be redefined around all forms of life that inhabit this planet. The practice of The Economy of Responsibility demands to recognize the rights of all forms of life and not only of human life (animal rights, rights of nature), as well as to recognize our responsibilities. It is not just about productivity, competitiveness and material profit. We must go to meet another reality greater than the purely material. The above will become a reality when economic development is about the development of human consciousness.


Very few times in history do citizens have the unique opportunity to start from “scratch” (a metaphor), and write their own history. Today we are given the opportunity to write the history of our Lithium. In this sense, we cannot repeat the history of mining in general and, of course, we must avoid all the errors and excesses that have occurred with the current development model. This history must make it clear that lithium belongs to all of us and It is, in this sense, that there must be a constitutional reform that clearly and explicitly gives us the ownership of this resource. Furthermore, no one could enter your exploitation without EVERYTHING being designed, extracted, produced, and processed in a totally sustainable way, without the negative external effects that we see today in copper mining. This must be non-tradable. Also, its form of access must ensure that it is not monopolized by only a few, as we see today with all our natural resources. And, that the income generated by this resource must go directly to a specific sector or social activity (eg, our native peoples, artisanal fishermen, our teachers, our pensions, science, organic agriculture, recovery of our seeds …). We must not become only extractors of this mineral. From the beginning we should be in all its forms of processing and adding value. I know that there are many other citizen conditions that must be considered and put on the table now! Which ones do you think we should consider? Lithium’s strategy must be long-term with a wise and inclusive vision and for our benefit. Let’s not get too distracted by tax reform, education … and let this off our radar. It is of paramount importance. It is not unusual that in the future our education is significantly funded by our Lithium. Lithium could be the great income of our children and grandchildren in the future. Future generations also have rights.


How difficult it is to talk about violence, when we know that there is external and internal violence. Today, external violence is the faithful mirror of how we feel inside. The violence we are experiencing is the result of many years of the use of brute force, of the profound inequality that exists in our country (of all kinds), of the justice system that we have, of severe social exclusion, of the lack of hope in the souls of many young people, of the strong feeling and foreboding that only some benefit from “the system”, and so on. Violence CANNOT be fought with more violence, be it physical, verbal, emotional, social, political, economic, ethnic, institutional, or of any other kind. With deep respect and personal consideration, I would like to refer to the violence that is taking place in La Araucanía. It seems to me that delaying the solution to the demands of our Native Peoples is a limited strategy. This dilation is harmful, unnecessary, and expensive. The land issue must be resolved as an integral part of a process that must lead us to lasting peace. The immediate creation of a Ministry of Indigenous Peoples, representation in parliament, and the nomination of a Minister in the Supreme Court are some important steps, although transitory, to reach a more established horizon. Action right now. In recent months, the violence reported on television is inconceivable. 32 How did we get there? Recently, a nephew in law was assaulted and literally flattened with the same assailant’s vehicle. He was only 24 years old. A soul that suffered deeply. He is certainly not the only case; there are hundreds of cases daily. What makes a person commit such a savage crime? And, even more, an irreparable crime? What is justice doing in this case? The bombs that have been placed in strategic places (such as the Metro), and the car fires represent a new dimension and, if these forms of violence are established in our country, we will have the same phenomenon of ETA in Spain, of drugs in Spain. Mexico, or the guerrillas in Colombia. Very serious. As a society, we must get to the bottom of these problems. You have to go to its ultimate cause and solve it now. A first step is to AVOID violence that can be avoided. For this we need a dialoguing and empowered society. A society that is supportive. A public institution that is on permanent alert and very receptive to avoid unnecessary conflicts. We cannot argue that this is a worldwide phenomenon. We cannot accept that we become a society of indifferent people. We cannot surrender to such an undesirable phenomenon. We cannot live in a society that becomes weak and vulnerable. You have to know that violence has a trajectory that multiplies geometrically. I am, and always will be, for peace. But peace is not bought. Peace is a state of BEING that is self-realizing. National peace will be the fruit of the inner peace of all of us. But, for there to be inner peace, we must enter a process of self-healing and deep healing. Let’s get started today!


The Alphabet of New Politics
A: Apt for all citizens without exclusion of any kind.
B: Benevolent and eminently humanistic.
C: On the way to a Collective destiny.
D: Direct Rights for everyone and everything, including nature.
E: External and internal citizen empowerment.
F: For Gross Domestic Happiness and not Gross Domestic Product.
G: Effective and equitable Government.
H: Horizon of all Chileans.
I: Inclusive in the social, ethnic, economic, institutional …
J: Just fair for everyone and everything.
K: Kilometric in the generation of benefits to the most underprivileged.
L: Luminous and transparent in indicating the true path.
M: Mediator between those who have less and those who have more.
N: Native and born in our own culture and identity.
O: Opportunities for all.
P: Permanent internal and external peace.
Q: Permanent Quellón (help) to those in need.
R: Responsibilities established at all levels.
S: Service of instead abusing the system.
T: Full Transparency in all areas of politics.
U: Urgency in solving citizen problems.
V: Vast and provider of the truth always.
W: Wanelen (star), illuminating solutions for all.
X: Xylophonist of a balance between all political forces.
Y: Young compassion and generosity.
Z: Zenit of our dreams and horizons.


It is impossible to ignore what is happening in the Middle East. I cannot remain silent any longer in the face of this chaos that seems to continue for many more years. I can’t pretend that I don’t see it, that I don’t feel it, or that it doesn’t hurt. Seeing daily how these two millenary civilizations are in such a bloody and inhuman combat – in a war that has no limits of any nature – leaves me more than heartbroken. A human tragedy of proportions. I have been following the thread of this conflict for many years. For me, today, there are no really new arguments to justify what is happening, from either side. I listen to the statements that are made and I seem to hear exactly what I have heard from the sixties to today. Nothing new. This is NOT a conflict to be resolved with reason. This is a conflict to be resolved with the soul. It will be resolved when that soul feels deep down that NOTHING is being gained from this war. There will only be losers here. Remember: millions of losers (beyond the Middle East!). As a great Chinese philosopher said: behind a great victory there is a great cemetery. I repeat: there are no winners here, neither in the Middle East nor in the entire world. The borders of the world do not exist. Therefore we will see very soon how this will invade our lives in ways that we cannot even imagine. The destruction of the Twin Towers was a milestone where we have ALL lost our freedom, de facto or de jure. It is a matter of traveling to another country and going through the immense security lines at airports. It is a matter of making an investment abroad and having to fill out endless forms to justify the money. And much more. At the same time, the USA rejoices (see today’s Mercury cover) to have achieved the most brutal sanctions against Russia. We’ll see how this will affect all of us. As the gringos say “just wait and see”. I ask myself a thousand times, how I could collaborate in building a true path towards permanent peace. I am willing to deliver that grain of sand that could move us in the direction of peace. A few years ago I went to the region to make a different peace proposal.


But a proposal that does not understand peace in the traditional way: absence of war. The ceasefire may be a precursor to peace, but it is not peace. Peace will not be born from financial aid. This assumes that the rich are at peace because they have greater economic resources. They are the ones who generate wars. Furthermore, this hypothesis suggests that the poor or poor countries are violent. Ridiculous! Peace will not be born from an arms balance as proposed by the global strategy of the “Balance of Power”, formulated in the time of Richard Nixon (USA), with H Kissinger, which still persists throughout the world. Peace will not emerge from negotiations, if those who negotiate have never self-realized peace. They simply do not know what they are trading. Peace is a state of being, which demands to be self-realized by all of us. That is why world peace, or that of the Middle East region, depends on our inner peace. There will be no peace, if there is no inner peace in each and every one of the people who live there. But, this inner peace depends on a great process of self-healing, truth, justice, reconciliation, forgiveness, etc. Without a self-healing process it is impossible to have inner peace. We all know that. But, self-healing demands very concrete actions and that is where we must emphasize now. I have no ideas that could go beyond this. For several years I organized meditations for world peace. The first one was in front of the White house. An indelible impact. And so we did it in many countries. My last collective meditation took place a couple of weeks ago in La Papoa, Peniche, Portugal. Today we must continue with these collective meditations. And let me advance a practical idea, which should be adopted immediately: Enter a new negotiation process in which only women representatives are found negotiating; 15 women on both sides; and let the feminine energy prevail and open the doors to peace definitively. I assure you that this war would be over in less than 15 days and, perhaps, forever. I cannot help but finish this note, so short, and possibly incomplete for many, asking aloud: Who is this war good for? Who is in the interest of this war to continue? Who is winning? Who is profiting from the losses of human life? If Chile were the hegemonic power in the world, and I have full confidence that one day we will be, it should act as such, be wise and intervene to stop this immediately. Not like now, when the hegemonic powers are watching from the outside. Spectators! We are all brothers. For many centuries of history, Arabs and Jews were together, in peace and prosperity. Let’s just think about the history of Spain. An example that we are all brothers. I have received several international peace awards. And, when I received my first award, I told those present: “It doesn’t take a single minute to get trillions of dollars to go to war, but it takes centuries to get a dollar to create and self-realize peace.” The United States and the hegemonic powers have failed. The United Nations has failed. 38 Let us not fail as a country. Let us call all the presidents of Latin America and the Caribbean, and make a clear, effective, and fair proposal for world peace to be achieved. Let’s make a chain of peace. More statements for one and against the other is simply a waste of time. Chile must speak of peace permanently in our bilateral and multilateral diplomatic representations. We should be the world’s largest peace “exporter” country. Peace now!


I just received a video of the war. I just saw President Obama’s statement on TV. Conclusion: the military solution is an aberration, it is a hoax, it is an absurdity. Military power has never been SUCCESSFUL. For me and millions of people there are no military successes, that is an error of the intellect, it is an error of the soul. Whoever proclaims that kind of success knows nothing of life. An apparent situation may be temporarily successful, but in the long run, it doesn’t solve anything. With this I am not saying that the armies or the military do not have a role to play in our societies. A very important role. This is a topic to share in the future. The era of war is over. It is over because the means of war are not necessary at all, and because today’s war technology has already crumbled ethics, reason, being and collective morality. Remember that all war inventions are on Google, available to anyone who wants to harm humanity. By the time soccer balls are programmable, soccer is over. And so on. Technology defeats the spirit of what you are trying to achieve. I listened to the President of the United States. I saw a person totally disempowered, hesitant, cautious, and without any possibility of leadership (he personally recognized it at the press conference). The notion that is projected, and the loyalty that is defined, of a country “friend” of the USA cannot justify what we are experiencing today. The notion of enemy, either! I imagine what would happen in Chile if we happened to be classified as an “enemy” of the USA. I know that culture very well. President Obama’s language, his physical posture at the microphone, and his oral performance all demonstrate the great internal chaos that is within his being. 40 This tells me that the political solution is also in danger of extinction in this case. That is why I appeal to the human solution, facing life. I propose that a solution be found that arises from a vision of inalienable peace. I propose that the solution be fully imbued with feminine energy, love and compassion. Even in the most brutal enemy there is light in his soul. Palestine needs Israel and Israel needs Palestine. The Law of Karma shows me that if they do not live in total peace and forever, no one in the world will live in peace from now on. The world will be unlivable. Remember what I am sharing with you. Today, in a march, a drone passed over my head and over the heads of all those who were marching. How we have changed so much! I imagined the CIA, the FBI, the KGB, but not that it was happening in my country. Let’s look for human-spiritual solutions. Let’s resolve conflicts with a very high level of collective consciousness. Peace today, now, and always.


The ceasefire is not synonymous with peace. Sometimes it is not even a preamble to peace. I do not know what will happen tomorrow, and I am aware that a resumption of conflicts is possible, unfortunately. But, I am hopeful that this conflict is over. EVERYTHING depends on ALL of us, not just the Palestinians and Israelis. Naturally, they play a more than preponderant role. But I would like to anticipate peace, so that we begin to open the necessary spaces for its self-realization. The reconstruction of which so much is spoken today is only a material reconstruction. I heard the $ 5 billion figure and a rebuilding period that would last 30 years! The children of Palestine would have between 35-40 years to see their country rebuilt materially, if there is not another war that will destroy the material again. Today, the most important thing is spiritual and human reconstruction. On my peacekeeping mission to Palestine, a few years ago, I had the privilege of visiting a child recovery school, run by Franciscan nuns. Already at that time the World Health Organization said that almost all Palestinian children were totally psychologically traumatized. I was informed that the school could only recover no more than 30-35 children a year, given the complexity of the processes and the costs involved. 42 Today I propose that 50% of all aid for the reconstruction of Palestine be allocated to the spiritual reconstruction of the Palestinians, and that this aid should NOT become a business for the very ones who financed the war (arms sales) and that they destroyed it. We must not accept that reconstruction resources are drenched in blood. Spiritual reconstruction will require psychiatrists, psychologists, and experts in yoga-meditation-prayer-contemplation, sports, communication, social integration, coaching, healthy food and nutrition, natural remedies, health … In addition, nurses, social workers, social promoters will be needed , community leaders, dance and ballet teachers, poets, lawyers, human rights specialists. As part of this spiritual reconstruction I propose four programs for peace in Palestine: Trees for Peace (I will publish their bases); Vegetables for Peace; Seeds for Peace and Bees for Peace. These programs have a material dimension (eg, planting a tree); but, its essence, objectives and processes must be sustained by the spiritual dimension. Furthermore, the implementation of these programs in Chile, Latin America and the entire world will help to deeply nurture peace and all peace processes. The fundamental principle of these programs is that the healing of the human being passes through the healing of nature and vice versa. Peace in Everything. All in Peace.


The ceasefire is not synonymous with peace. Sometimes it is not even a preamble to peace. I do not know what will happen tomorrow, and I am aware that a resumption of conflicts is possible, unfortunately. But, I am hopeful that this conflict is over. EVERYTHING depends on ALL of us, not just the Palestinians and Israelis. Naturally, they play a more than preponderant role. But I would like to anticipate peace, so that we begin to open the necessary spaces for its self-realization. The reconstruction of which so much is spoken today is only a material reconstruction. I heard the $ 5 billion figure and a rebuilding period that would last 30 years! The children of Palestine would have between 35-40 years to see their country rebuilt materially, if there is not another war that will destroy the material again. Today, the most important thing is spiritual and human reconstruction. On my peacekeeping mission to Palestine, a few years ago, I had the privilege of visiting a child recovery school, run by Franciscan nuns. Already at that time the World Health Organization said that almost all Palestinian children were totally psychologically traumatized. I was informed that the school could only recover no more than 30-35 children a year, given the complexity of the processes and the costs involved. 42 Today I propose that 50% of all aid for the reconstruction of Palestine be allocated to the spiritual reconstruction of the Palestinians, and that this aid should NOT become a business for the very ones who financed the war (arms sales) and that they destroyed it. We must not accept that reconstruction resources are drenched in blood. Spiritual reconstruction will require psychiatrists, psychologists, and experts in yoga-meditation-prayer-contemplation, sports, communication, social integration, coaching, healthy food and nutrition, natural remedies, health … In addition, nurses, social workers, social promoters will be needed , community leaders, dance and ballet teachers, poets, lawyers, human rights specialists. As part of this spiritual reconstruction I propose four programs for peace in Palestine: Trees for Peace (I will publish their bases); Vegetables for Peace; Seeds for Peace and Bees for Peace. These programs have a material dimension (eg, planting a tree); but, its essence, objectives and processes must be sustained by the spiritual dimension. Furthermore, the implementation of these programs in Chile, Latin America and the entire world will help to deeply nurture peace and all peace processes. The fundamental principle of these programs is that the healing of the human being passes through the healing of nature and vice versa. Peace in Everything. All in Peace.


The Middle East Deserves Peace.
I. The vision, mission and objectives of the university must be embedded in sustainability, and this must be integrated in all its activities.
II. The strategy must fully integrate the economic, ecological and social into ALL curricula. There can be no university degree that does not integrate sustainability within it.
III. The allocation of resources for research and innovation demands a greater proportion for the strategic issues – short and long term – of the sustainability of our country.
IV. The management of external activities must consider them work of service to the community and of social scope integrated into sustainability.
V. The way of designing and maintaining the physical part and its surroundings must clearly and explicitly take into account the carbon footprint. Reduce it to a minimum.
SAW. Policies within the university should promote activities and incentives that improve the quality of life of students.
VII. University management must include democratic and participatory bodies for all university levels.
VIII. The philosophy and its acting as a university must consider as a primary value NO discrimination or exclusion.
IX. The entity must create a mechanism for interconnection, networks and organizational arrangements with other educational institutions for sustainability.
X. Programs must consider the creation and implementation of activities for educating educators in sustainability matters.
XI. University activities must contribute to the empowerment of its members and the community where it is inserted; an empowerment for sustainability.
XII. Strategic approaches must consider the importance of an eco-centric paradigm. Here, the ecological and environmental take on a fundamental importance.
XIII. University programs should substantially increase the sensitivity of students, in particular through the self-realization of interdependence. This calls for experience education as a basis.
XIV. University education, and all other forms of education, must become an opportunity to develop our collective consciousness, knowledge, skills and a great commitment to the sustainability of Chile and the planet.
XV. The university classes must reach high levels of understanding and thus reach more friendly behaviors from an environmental perspective.
XVI. Advances in all college majors should consider a more holistic way of teaching and raising awareness of the developmental sustainability issues inherent in those majors.
XVII. The sustainable university must develop the conditions for a new form of leadership for the country and environmental matters.
XVIII. The sustainable university services have to consider the creation of teaching materials and dissemination of the country’s environmental and ecological issues.
XIX. The nature of a sustainable university requires a strengthening of communication; be these radio, television, print or other media, and integrate sustainability issues into them.


We see daily how developed countries are dedicating a large part of their legislative and judicial time to the issue of human immigration. We see it today, for example, in the USA where more and more obstacles are being placed for those who immigrate: those who are looking for a better future. We have seen how hundreds of children from Central America appear in that country lately, particularly from my friend country Guatemala. There are many television shows where the debates are endless. It should be remembered that most Americans are immigrants. They came to that land where many nations of native peoples lived, a large part of which were exterminated to make way for that immigration. They all came to get a better future. They were not the rich families of Europe that immigrated to this land of North America; quite the contrary. Immigrants from our continent go to the USA and Europe in search of that better future, but to achieve it, immigrants need to work day and night in agriculture, washing dishes in restaurants, becoming gardeners, driving a taxi, etc. I have seen them with my own eyes. With this, these immigrants try to ensure a decent life, a quality education for their children, obtain some material goods such as housing, etc .; none of which they could achieve in their home country. Why can’t a decent life be achieved, for example, in Guatemala? Why do they immigrate? I do not have all the answers, but one of them seems essential to me to recognize it, reaffirm it, and disseminate it to all corners of the earth. This human immigration is due to, and is the result of, the immigration patterns of capital in our developing countries. We will only find justification for a person to be willing to risk his life and that of all his relatives if we understand the patterns and ways in which capital immigrates to her countries. Emigration rates are due to at least two fundamental factors, one poor distribution of income and the other violence. These two are the result of the immigration of capital from abroad, where the income of that capital does not remain in the country; where that capital entails environmental destruction, social disintegration, collusion with the local establishment; distorted and costly patterns of public spending, etc. The violence that comes as a result of drug use in developed countries and the creation of a false economy that creates and houses millions of poor people. A shame. It is worth saying that just as the primary immigrants from the USA displaced and annihilated the original peoples, exactly the same happened in our America. There is no difference. The time has come to control and regulate not only the immigration of human beings but also the immigration of capital. It is absurd that our developing countries allow capital to cross borders without problems and without paying the social, environmental and human costs that they cause. Totally unacceptable. 48 The mining capitals that leave tailings and destruction behind, along with millions of people who are affected by diseases and other negative effects. The capital in the fishing or forestry sector that is destroying the marine and native forest resources in our Latin America. Capital in industry that pollutes the land, water and air, along with destroying our biodiversity. That is the true face of capital immigration. The capital that destroys and makes our seeds disappear and in return gives us infertility and other diseases with transgenics. Human immigration and immigration of capital must be in the same package of policies and programs, and form the basis of our foreign relations policy, of our bilateral and multilateral relations. This brutal asymmetry, where people are denigrated and capital paid homage, which we see daily today, represents a planetary shame. Now is the time to act!


We are increasingly aware of the political crisis that our country is experiencing. Political crises are not resolved simply by marking differences, or intensifying disagreements, or repeating daily what divides us. They are resolved by first building a shared vision. Without a shared vision of what the fundamental issues are for us, the political crisis will deepen. A reform, or a program, does not necessarily represent a vision. At most, it represents a conglomeration of elements or attributes of a vision. The scope, the realization and, finally, the acceptance, for example, of human rights, or of a new educational system, or of acceptable standards of equity, will not be given as a simple result of laws, decrees, or policies, for very important that these are. The vision makes a reform. A reform does not necessarily make a vision.


Summary. Radio Biobío reported that a “New Parliamentary Pact for the Province of Arauco” has just been signed to address the delicate panorama in said Province and to combat violence. For this, a political pact (between parliamentarians) is proposed, which includes the integral development of the area and includes a “road map” with the participation of some Mapuche communities. Comments. Ultimately, it is a program that is affirmed on a hypothesis that says that violence would decrease if one established greater, better, economic and social development. That is, implicitly, the idea is embraced that violence is born and spreads as a result of poverty, and that this violence would end when there is more material wealth. There are many, many important people and institutions that have accepted this hypothesis. Contrary to expectations, I think this is a partial hypothesis. But, I cannot ignore the great importance that a greater economic and social development of this Province would have. It is obviously necessary. The area claims it now! However, this development will not solve the problems of violence. This hypothesis has never been validated in practice, less when wealth is concentrated in very few hands, or when the issue, or the cause, is not to have more material development but to create the conditions for more citizen empowerment. Also, this way of thinking seems to establish that it is the poor who are violent and that, when they become materially rich as people or as a people, they will be peaceful. Nothing more wrong. The poor are NOT violent in nature. Among the hundreds of types of violence that exist, it is not the economic status that defines whether or not a person is violent or not. If one looks at world experience, in addition to this economic dimension (in which development banks have been involved — eg Guatemala, Nicaragua, Central America), two more dimensions have been incorporated: aid in arms and that of negotiating, negotiating , negotiate peace. The first comes from the theory of the “balance of power”, where the groups in conflict are armed and that would stop the conflict. Thus, the USA armed many countries (Philippines, Iran, Iraq …) without any positive result. Today there are more weapons and there is more violence. Violence is not fought with more violence. Of course, applying this arms theory here in Chile — be it the state or the citizenry — would be a disaster. The second dimension (negotiating), which does not always fail, has not yielded very good results, especially in Araucanía. Economic and social development, arms race and negotiations are NOT real conditions for achieving peace anywhere in the world. Peace is not bought in a supermarket. They don’t sell it there. Peace is a state of BEING. Peace must be self-realized. World peace, or in Araucanía, is the result of inner peace. But inner peace is the result of healing (self-healing), justice, truth and reconciliation. And all of these will only be achieved with extensive internal work. This work to be carried out is related to the PRIMAL of the human being: self-determination, freedom, non-discrimination, identity, sense of belonging, unconditional respect, the creation of a new social grammar (true history of Chile, historical deficit ), art and culture, music and language, social integration, territorial ordering, system of true rights and participation, human and social empowerment, human expression … To eliminate violence, a great human and spiritual component is essential, of collective values ​​such as justice, love, solidarity, compassion, respect, interdependence, peace…. The news does not say that this New Pact was signed by a representative of our native peoples, or a landowner, or a resident, or…. In Chile we should have exemplary peace processes with clear and beneficial results for all. My desire and my whole life are at the service of peace, for peace, in peace: may peace reign on earth.


Chilean politics has shown our people who its owner is: corporate money.


Our politics is the slave of material power. These are his favorite verbs: wealth, usurp, concentrate, figure, control, accumulate, lie … Let’s not allow them to take away our spiritual capital.


We need a new institutional order at the global level, which responds directly to citizens. The institutional framework of governments for governments, which exists today, is an obvious failure. Let’s change the multilateral institutionality. Global democracy now.


In Chile there is an increasingly profound and surprising political crisis. Law enforcement is fair and indispensable, but it will not eliminate the causes and conditions that created, and create, this crisis. Only a great transformation of our collective consciousness can solve this crisis. It is a crisis of conscience!


We need structural and not marginal changes. The sustainable society will not be the nice daughter of the neoliberal model; she is the fruit of another path, another DNA, where all forms of life are taken into account. This demands the creation of a Global Government, led by citizens, and far removed from what international organizations offer today (UN, WB, IMF, WTO…). Let’s start now, by popularly electing, by direct vote of the citizenry, the Secretary General of the UN, and making the real changes that humanity needs. Only the collective conscience, and not that of governments, will give birth to a sustainable society.


Inequality in our country is unworthy and shameful. It responds to two fallacies in public and private work: “grow first and clean later” and “grow first and do social justice later”. Inequality is born with the access and misappropriation of our natural resources (land, sea, rivers, minerals, forests …). New Constitution now! Where the ownership of natural resources and their income belong to the citizens.


Our democracy has no memory; it does not accumulate or build history. We have spent years forcibly studying the history of other countries and other civilizations, without being taught the true history of this nation. The school curriculum that we have was built not to accumulate, not to remember and not to feed our history. Very serious. We don’t remember where we came from or who we are as a nation. This democracy works as if the facts and the peoples did not exist before 1492 (as if Chile was an empty wasteland), going over our origin and roots as a nation. If our democracy had memory, we would remember that both the conquerors and the immigrants (like my grandparents) came to a nation with history and memory: the nation of our native peoples. Today we want them to have neither memory nor history. Impossible! The conflict in La Araucanía reflects a lack of memory (induced on purpose) or a voluntary and biased numbness to not remember. This democracy has no destiny because it does not remember its origin.


Citizens awake right now! There are a large number of fundamental changes to our way of life, participation, and well-being: tax reform, educational reform, labor reform, electoral reform and political parties, the law on the decriminalization of abortion … Citizenship, where are you that I do not see you?


Today, Chilean politics does not have great legitimacy and is very unbalanced. This reflects the internal state of those who exercise it as well as those who ultimately empower them. When you vote you empower. When you don’t vote, you lose the path to collective balance, and you empower those who voted doubly. We will empower our collective being and through that process we will heal politics.


It is extremely worrying and serious that politics has gotten where it is. There are not even spaces to listen, differ, dialogue, share … It is important to recognize the importance and impact that a certain social grammar contains. It evolves to change the meeting terms in our human and social space. Today, telling someone “you are a politician” or “you have become a politician” is a way of insulting, when it should be something to honor yourself. Sometimes it is wanted to express that this person is a liar, an abuser, misuses power, is egotistical … Our social grammar has put the word “political” in its most negative connotation. This entails a vision of politicians, political institutions, political agreements, political dialogues, justice, laws, and elections, within the worst social space. Nobody cares … This is extremely serious. The social loss of what is called “politics” represents a source of chaos and we are already seeing it. Recreating new parties or uniting old parties does not solve anything, and it will exacerbate this situation. There are values ​​that are not recovered like this, such as trust, hope, equity, justice, solidarity, the common good … Nobody wants to be re-enchanted; we all want to be respected, considered and embraced. Today, we have the responsibility and obligation to give a different content to the political: governance, service, collective welfare, concern for the dispossessed, civic values, direct participation, social happiness … The one who has to be reformed cannot be the reformer! That is why today direct and massive citizen participation is urgently needed. Let’s build another social grammar now so that a new way of doing politics is born.


There are many forms of political breakdown in a nation. The most difficult reconstruction, recovery and healing is of that collapse whose causes are ethical or moral, since they destroy the very fiber of a society. Let’s avoid it!


Enabling is empowering, empowering is enabling. A government must empower the citizenry, and the citizenry must empower a government. As citizens already have their civic and social powers, empowering is the way to unleash those powers. An empowered citizenry will make possible a new way of doing politics: collegiate politics.


It will be through a compelling vision, and co-created with citizens, that the empowerment process will take place. A new constitution, essential today, will give life to citizen empowerment. A citizen contribution is essential in a collegiate policy. The empowerment that strengthens a democracy must have the direct participation of all, and not of a few. Empowerment also demands accountability for results.


To understand the importance of “social gratitude” we must live the reality of the “other”, of the “others” … Let us give thanks that we belong to this nation. Being Chilean citizens is a privilege, in addition to being a karmic experience with what we are, do, have and know. It is in the space of the “collective social being” where we will find many experiences of gratitude. Thank you all for letting me belong. The practice of “social gratitude” diminishes and eliminates social problems such as inequity, violence, injustice … A social change without gratitude is a failed revolution.


Ethics are not part of the very nature of a neoliberal economy. This is how the concept of “the invisible hand” was born (Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations); as a mechanism, a necessity, to avoid that a path fed by individual behavior does not allow us to reach an acceptable collective well-being. One of the proposed paths has been the role of the state and its active intervention in our society, as a guarantor of collective well-being, the public good, public goods, democracy, citizenship … preventing the market and profit dominate our lives in the economic, financial, social, human, institutional, cultural, value, empowerment, ethnic, gender, etc. That is why, if you add unethical public (and private) governance, we are all adrift of a very uncertain future. It is interesting to note that A. Smith, before writing that book, published another one entitled The Book of Morals. To get out of our political crisis in a real and sustainable way over time, and not simply adopt a patch, or make this political crisis a media show, we must do three fundamental things:
(i) radically change our economic approach,
(ii) write a new constitution with a great preamble of who we are and where we want to go as a nation, and
(iii) adopt a massive citizen empowerment program. Today the constitution feeds the economic model, and the economic model feeds the constitution, and both disempower the citizenry.
All democratic governments in recent years have accepted the market economy as their fundamental pillar: free trade, integration into globalization … It seems that we are the best students in this. I do not believe that this is the way in the medium or long term, and it is better to start changing this system today. We must go towards an economy that is steeped in spiritual and collective values: love, compassion, cooperation, justice, interdependence, solidarity, peace… A new way of doing economics, a new way of doing politics. An economy with an ethical vacuum is a supersonic airplane without pilots. A policy with an ethical vacuum is a recipe for regret in the future (we are already regretting it). The economic dictatorship that we live in has a name and a surname, it has power and exercises it, it has influences and uses them, it has an ego and cultivates it.


Democracy has been the great political and institutional narrative of the 20th century. Today, in Chile, and in other parts of the world, it is in serious trouble. How to get it back? It was repeated to us, and it is repeated to us today, as if it were a mantra, that the union between democracy and neoliberalism is the ideal marriage that all societies should follow. The winning and dominant establishment within the existing structures, keeps repeating this mantra, and when there are new ideas, they respond by saying that the only alternative to what we have is a populism or a dictatorship. Those who advocate that are not responsible people. Today, neoliberalism is the great cause of a very clear divorce, together with having become the main foundation for the deterioration of all truly participatory democracies. Today we need to find another institutional form if we want a future in peace and prosperity in this 21st century. There is no doubt that the massive deterioration of democracy and the economic system is due to a millimeter-sized collective consciousness on the part of some leaders.


If there are new institutional forms at the national level to really walk a new path, we have to take into account at least the following factors, or general trends, that characterize this new millennium:
(i) we go from the material to the spiritual,
(ii) we go from the individual to the collective),
(iii) we go from the purely external to the internal,
(iv) we go from quantity to quality,
(v) we go from concentration to equality,
(vi) we went from extraction to conservation,
(vii) we go from mere participation to empowerment,
(viii) we go from simple action to self-realization,
(ix) we went from a world bounded by borders to a world without borders …


Failure to recognize these trends is the wrong way to go. We were told, and we are told, that a democracy itself entails more participation, more material wealth, less corruption… None of this is really happening. Today, the so-called democracies do not allow participation — it is only for a few; there is greater material wealth but it remains in very few hands (brutal concentration of wealth); and there is increasing corruption at many levels of public and private decision-making. If there is one aspect that marks a democracy, it is expressing the power of a people. This practically does not exist. Our democracy expresses the power of the establishment. An economic system that is in the hands of the establishment, a constitution written by the establishment, a financing of politics by the establishment… and, therefore, we know why what is happening. It is incredible to feel that a significant number of people put economics over democracy. Not only that; This idea is accompanied by a decrease in public trust in almost all the institutions that exist today: government, religions, industry, banking, education, politics, financing, justice, etc. In the midst of all this, the establishment is gradually affecting dissenting voices. They annoy them, undermine them, diminish them, control them … The institutions that are supposed to guarantee the creation of new leaderships, pluralism, dissent … are the ones that are most questioned by citizens, such as parliament, the judiciary and the state. This intensifies the deterioration of democracy along with its great accelerator: globalization, which destroys our values, erodes our identity, atomizes politics, makes corporations bigger, destroys the environment, etc. Globalization, in practice, is the real union of all establishments. That is why when the establishment of a developed country does not like something that happens in another country (the case of transgenics), the local establishment is its tip. spear to defend it.


There are many factors responsible for the progressive death of a democracy, and eliminating these factors should be the first step to revitalize it, or to reach other institutional formulas that are in line with what the Chilean citizens want.
Examples of these factors are:
1. a democracy in an ocean of injustice at all levels;
2. an economy with an inordinate concentration of wealth;
3. a misappropriation of the income of those resources that belong to all of us;
4. a maintenance of power in a corrupt or hidden way behind an unrecognized institutional framework;
5. a creation and feeding of a real or veiled police state;
6. a possession of the media of all kinds in the hands of those in the establishment;
7. a process of anesthesia to citizens and key actors of the system so that they do not do and do not say something;
8. an institutional system that does not create new leaders but atomizes them;
9. a system that does not allow direct permanent consultation with the people, particularly in proposals that are sensitive or have a great political, social, economic, human, ethnic, gender impact…;
10. a clear absence of the value and spiritual dimension in politics and business …
It is extremely important to establish strong foundations for a transition towards strengthening democracy. First, truth and transparency. Second, justice and equity. Third, trust and respect. Fourth, strengthening and empowerment. Fifth, new ways of doing politics, economics and society. Inseparable Adjusting now in times of crisis and great popular mistrust will not be easy, and it will need true national leaders, ours, who must advocate the best possible for our nation. Simplistic reforms will not even serve as a patch.


As I already said, there are many ways to kill a democracy. But I also want to say that there are many ways to kill the heart and soul of a people. Today, I see with consternation and great sadness that we are killing the people through injustice, concentration of wealth, drugs, alcoholism, disease, permanent violence, lack of participation and weak empowerment … This reflects a great loss of our common sense, our social sense, and our sense of brotherhood. How are we going to have a true democracy when we are anesthetized and with a situation that goes beyond violence, that annihilates citizen peace, and that puts youth in the most vulnerable situation in our history? Social stress, hopelessness and uncertainty, about almost all social institutions, form a stormy cloud above our future. The economic and social system, which I have criticized countless times, has been an accelerator of new forms of slavery imposed by globalization. A topic to discuss and then decide unanimously the other way. This is not an exageration. This is not pessimism. This is not populism. This is a reality. The establishment begins to use these terms in a derogatory way – exaggeration, pessimism, populism – so that a social grammar is maintained that continues to say that what we have is fantastic, that what is happening are details, that there is nothing better than it. status quo, that changes in the margin are enough, and that any alternative that appears on the horizon, different from what there is now, is either populism or a dictatorship. Nothing more out of reality. Our people are smart and know we are in trouble. Nobody wants to destroy Chile. That would be irresponsible. But the status quo situation is certainly destroying Chile. Today we see how young people kill themselves, and that crime in their neighborhoods is the order of the day. Yesterday on TV I froze. The so-called “yellow” press invades our territory. Today, on the front page of a newspaper it is said that there are large drug trafficking mafias already installed in Chile. Is this real, or are we living a nightmare that will disappear by itself after awakening? It does not matter that we continue to fight for reforms that do not go to the bottom of our crisis. More reforms will not make a new Chile. It is the people and their conscience that will make a new Chile. They make us believe in things or situations that take us further and further away from our rights and responsibilities. Opening the door to hope is essential, but not to a superficial and lying hope. We all want peace and quiet. This is achieved with truth, justice and reconciliation. But for this we must really deconcentrate our economy and benefit our people. I think there are structural changes to be made, yes or yes.


Here, just a few examples, as there are more:
1. Clearly define the contribution of the private sector to collective well-being, where, and how (social, environmental). As a people we should not tolerate a productive apparatus whose social costs affect future generations unnecessarily.
2. Build a social contract that understands that we should trade points of economic growth (temporarily) by eliminating those parts that constitute a dirty and destructive economy of our nature. That the mechanisms of solidarity and transition with those affected are made explicit so as not to generate problems at the level of families, neighborhoods or regions.
3. That the state apparatus be an example in EVERYTHING, and that its companies be a true leader in social, environmental and ethical matters.
4. Mandate the rulers by putting ecological and environmental priorities (cities, rural areas, mountains…) into perspective before the situation is irreversible.
5. That a total decentralization process be immediately adopted, beginning with the democratic election of mayors, followed by the strengthening of the municipalities, and implemented with the decentralization of the nation’s budget.
6. That the connections between the money of the companies and of the people in politics be TOTALLY eliminated.
7. That FONASA be the best health system in Chile. May public hospitals be an example of medicine and care for our people.
8. That state education at ALL levels be the nerve center of the transformation of our children and youth. That surpasses in quality to all the other alternative forms.
9. That there is an ethical minimum retirement for all retirees and that the state guarantees it.
10. May there be a plan for peace and prosperity with our native peoples throughout the country.
11. That there is a decent minimum wage for those who make a living from their work.
12. That there are instances of popular participation, with a power to appoint parliamentary political positions, presidents …), but also that our people can remove those who do not fulfill the responsibilities of the position in question.
13. A meticulous work with the youth so that they themselves eliminate drugs, violence…
A smart investment program in the most vulnerable neighborhoods, designed by those who belong there and managed by themselves with assistance from the state. There are many more. But, the important thing here is that the “unit of account” with which we must act now is the immediate and direct well-being of our people. We all have to take responsibility for what we have done, apply justice in its entirety. But after this storm, we have to embrace an indelible commitment to work for a new Chile, and truly ours, with all the existing talents (inclusion), efforts and fraternity. The time has come to establish agreed standards of equity with all forms of life that inhabit our territory. This will dignify us as a nation before the whole world!


To get out of this political crisis we are going to need several important ingredients:
1. A new and consensual Vision of how we are, where we want to go and how to get to our true destination. Otherwise, we will not have a coherent and balanced direction and horizon to walk towards.
2. A new Way of Thinking, both regarding politics, the economy, the social, the ethnic, the ecological … what is ours and that belongs to all of us.
3. A new Language that represents an instrument of true dialogue, even from the most extreme positions. Without this language, no one will be able to enter into the transformation that is needed.
4. A new Way of Acting, which is not only in search of personal benefits but of a real expansion of collective well-being.
5. A new Behavior that does not allow in any way the destruction of our democracy and existing institutions, without denying the need to improve or change them.
6. A new Effort, in which all, if all, take a responsibility over everything and for all, without the artificial separation between government and the private sector, or the people.
7. A new Form of Attention, where our five senses align with the needs and challenges that this crisis gives us, and not divert attention to things or situations that take us away from vision.
8. A new and tremendously renewed Collective Consciousness, ready to embrace all citizens and solve the great problems of equity, justice, solidarity, cooperation, responsibility … We are depleting and destroying the moral reserve of our nation, and this is indeed a serious problem.


Politics cannot regulate itself. The political agreements that are fermenting, to solve the political-moral-ethical crisis that the country is experiencing, must be replaced by citizen agreements. It is here where citizen consultation and binding plebiscites become the only tool for real and perishable agreements. Today, to get out of the way, “institutions” are constantly mentioned, as if a social entity could be differentiated from the people who manage or represent them. I think that appealing to a moral space (abstract), “in order not to lose the institutions” and justify agreements between those who lead them, is a great fallacy. If we are thinking of strengthening democracy, and the institutions that derive from it – such as the executive, legislative and judicial powers – we must appeal to the citizens, who are the foundation of this democracy.


Citizens see this political crisis as a crisis of values ​​and of great ethical connotation. I understand that the topics that I will enunciate here deserve a treatise of hundreds of pages and an analysis that escapes a publication on Facebook. But I feel that I must point to certain matters if we are going to solve this crisis, even if it seems like a simple list.
1. Politics cannot be separated from spirituality and ethics. This makes the policy not authorized by the citizens. And spirituality outside the public is transformed into one more theory. A politics without values, especially collective values, is an empty politics and subject to all kinds of corruption, unethical behavior …
2. There is a tremendous gap between what is considered “public service” and “politics”; as if these dimensions were to be separated. Their separation is not acceptable. Politics is to serve and not to serve. It is here where the spirit of service and the ethics of the collective are essential to guide Chilean politics. The word (state, reality) is “service.” A government is not only going to work but to serve.
3. The ultimate ethic is not the one imposed by the establishment, which creates a social grammar so that we all believe that this is the correct path. This is essential to understand since many times a language is imposed, a behavior, a regulation, a law, an action … that essentially responds to the establishment (and I mean the economic, social, political, religious …). True ethics is what is born and nurtured by citizenship; that is why citizen empowerment is essential and is a necessary condition for a truly ethical policy.
4. The political crisis in Chile is a mirror of a spiritual and ethical crisis. This crisis highlights the need for ethics in all powers of the state. This goes in the direction of questioning the use, or the direction and meaning, of authority, of power, of collective representativeness, of recovering the sense of purpose, of strengthening the sense of belonging, of redefining what it means. collective well-being … The issue that “they represent us” is the most delicate to correct. That is why the lawlessness and citizen mechanisms to remove politicians and other public servants from their positions makes sense.
5. Given the previous point, certain qualities of political ethics are recognized that are essential to consider: telling the truth, assuming responsibilities, transparency, going beyond the average (standing out, in a good sense), criticizing the argument and not the people, not promising what is not going to be fulfilled, establishing ethical standards that are recognized by all and constantly monitored …
6. There are practical aspects that are useful to address: how to reflect the ethical dimensions in the procedures (as in the laws), establish an “ethical guide” at the public sector level in which all officials are trained and informed immediately before or after to obtain a public position, create public information systems particularly in actions or decisions that are known to have a great ethical content, establish transparent decision and participation systems …
7. In a country that has embraced the neoliberal system, it is essential that there be an ethical component in the relationships, institutional arrangements, policies and programs between the public and private sectors. This calls for the restoration of the civic education chair in schools as compulsory, and that business careers have a compulsory ethics course.
8. The new constitution must have an express chapter on ethics and politics; ethics and economic and social development; ethics and public and private finances; national, regional and sectoral ethics and policies; ethics and business; ethics and political parties, etc.
9. Political ethics is not something fluid, not definable. It represents a code, a way to achieve certain balances in society (concrete), a state of being, a citizen’s right … to help in these processes we must seriously consider the situations that we know have great ethical dimensions and establish consensual bases how they should be approached. You have to have minimum rules of how to interact in the public and in the private.
10. Ethics in politics is a source of strengthening our democracy through representation, information, political balances of different nature, closing democratic deficits, and not making this matter only something informal.
11. It is necessary to be very clear about the limits of regulations and laws as a guarantee of political ethics. Political ethics is embedded in the collective consciousness. And it will be this collective consciousness that ultimately dictates an ethical pattern.
12. For citizens, the issue of “ethics in justice” also deserves a special chapter. An issue that for many people represents the cause of violence, frustration against the system, taking justice into our own hands …


To get out of this crisis, the communication strategy, its content, its forms of dissemination … are essential. I have seen so many television programs, and listened to so many radio programs, that have addressed the political crisis in which we live. The participants are a very high percentage “politicians”, many of them involved in this crisis. Another smaller percentage, the so-called “experts” (lawyers, academics, professionals). And, practically nothing is listened to “the citizens”. Not only is she not listened to, but she is also not invited to participate in commissions or other institutional bodies. It seems that political programs are an exclusive channel for everyone except citizens. I would like to imagine how extremely positive a TV program would be in which, for example, the leaders of the artisanal fishermen give their opinion on this political crisis. In other words, today, the political and economic establishment have not left the “person on the street” to also occupy a primary communication space that impacts the entire nation. Nor is the invitation often seen to those who are essential in the construction of the social fabric at the level of our communities. This has been a big mistake. We do not really know what “the person on the street” thinks, or their neighborhood leaders (without censorship). We don’t know if differentiating between the legal and the ethical makes any sense for them. We do not know if they want to punish the guilty, or in what way; or if they are willing to forgive them. We do not know if they agree with the ways that are being used at the moment (procedures), or if they demand much more strictness and action. No one should claim that representation. These people must speak live and direct. I think that, for example, all the presidents of neighborhood councils from all over the country (or another formula, if necessary) should be summoned to give us their opinion of the situation, and of the paths to follow. . It would be necessary to look for suitable and effective mechanisms so that an event of this nature produces the excellent results that we expect (this is feasible). And that such an event be televised on the national network. Finally, I think that all the leaders of our native peoples should be summoned, and thus listen to what they think. I think they would make an extraordinary contribution to understand the institutional, spiritual, subtle scale of what is happening, as well as share their recommendations to emerge strengthened from this institutional tragedy.


Faced with the large number of inhabitants on our planet, the vertiginous collapse of world peace, the ineffectiveness of the global institutions of development and peace, the weakening of the neoliberal economic and financial system, the ecological destruction of our planet, the ever-increasing consumption more widespread drug use, the rawness of violence at all levels, and so many other global challenges, I think the time has come to change the world and change it now. The economy has been largely responsible for the results that we see before our eyes today. Not an abstract economy, but very well managed by some strategic actors, countries with great power, and voracious markets for our values ​​and forms of material and non-material well-being. The economic calculation has been destructive, with benefits for only a few. The concentration of global wealth is a boundless shame. But you don’t have to be innocent. This situation is not going to solve itself. We must act massively or else there will be no real changes: there will only be more of the same. The change will be deeply ethical and spiritual. That is why we must subjugate the economic calculation to an ethical calculation, and make this an Ethiconomy. It must be based on a tremendously human and inclusive notion of all forms of life that exist on the planet. We must radically change the UN and all its related institutions. Its Secretary General must be elected by direct vote of the world’s citizens and not as a negotiation of some rich countries. This is a change that happens from the inside out. From the individual to the collective. From the material to the spiritual.


More of the same will yield more of the same. Institutions are nothing more and nothing less than ourselves. Institutions are not separate entities, empty of Chileans and Chileans, separated from us Chileans. The congress is the group of congressmen. The presidency is the president. Justice are the judges. And so on. The deterioration of the congress is the faithful mirror of the deterioration of the congressmen. What we have seen, and we are very clear about it, is that the institutions have NOT worked (that is, those that are there have not worked), particularly in preventing this situation we are experiencing. And, that is the reason why we are in this political situation. I do not know what flavor you have left after several weeks i) of negative impacts as a result of the political scandals, ii) of seeing the statements that have been made by all parties, iii) of processing the proposals that have been made in each case, and iv) to verify who are those who participate in the decision and opinion processes (which for now excludes citizens). Another dimension of this crisis is fully reflected in this phrase that is repeated in the media, at least ten times a day: “what I have done is in accordance with the laws in force at the time that act occurred” . “At that time the law did not include this or that thing and, therefore, what I did is not illegal.” I would add, as an interpretation of what is said, that they cry out: “and leave me alone.” If a law penalizes someone who kills only with a pencil sharpener, and someone decides to kill with a knife, is this legal because it is not in the law? Are pencil sharpeners or the protection and respect of human life being legislated? Laws are made by us. They are the faithful reflection of our consciousness. You cannot legislate within an ethical or moral vacuum. Perhaps, possibly, theoretically, the situation in which we live today would be improved with more legislation; at least, that is what is most widely advocated today and it is what seems to be the great force of the argument of most of those involved. But the true self-healing of all this that we are suffering as a society is located in the center of the individual and collective consciousness of each and every one of us. It is not “saying”, it is not “the law”, but the feeling of a people: their values, their ethics, their morals … I have seen how the interpretations made of existing laws begin to publicly strengthen statements such as: “We have not done anything that is illegal”, “we will not do anything until there is a legal ruling” … I do not agree. The legal sanction should not eliminate or condition the ethical and moral sanction. The legal reserve cannot overshadow our moral reserve, which is pierced minute by minute. Watch out! This can open many pandora’s boxes as a result of the profound destruction of our human and social fabric.


The bodily death of such a dear person, Don Antonio Fernandez, made me travel to Quirihue yesterday, quickly. Much pain, memories, and love; all mixed in that inevitable pain that affects his family, friends and acquaintances so much. I had the privilege of belonging to a way of saying “goodbye” in a correct, dignified, formal, and meaningful way. Those were moments when we wrapped ourselves and bathed in the sea composed of our much-loved customs. Within my silence and emptiness I realized that we have so much to offer ourselves as Chileans. The mass, in a church from boat to boat, the flowers that adorned everything, the representatives of huasos clubs in their most elegant outfits, and also the deep gazes of each and every one of us in front of an inexorable reality: death. The children everywhere, giving joy, observing everything and sharing that innocence regarding so many things that were happening. The elders, dressed in gala to say goodbye in a ceremonial way. We, who in distress, thought about our own future. And, I do not want to forget, the real hugs of open arms and determined to embrace all that pain that came from the soul and transform it into inner peace and hope. Hundreds of people walked to the cemetery, more than 5 kilometers, with slow and deliberate steps. This was a walk that was aware that it would transform at the last moment where we find the final farewell to bodily materiality. A path that was accompanied by the deeply religious and spiritual, and by the perfumed with everything that is very ours. We were constantly concerned with each other, to ease the situation, occupy the open spaces, and protect that kindness, compassion, and solidarity. Incredible. He saw how people, who are close to reaching a century of life, walked upright and committed to accompanying the coffin that contained the remains of Don Antonio. Many people went out to the sidewalks to greet, pray and cross themselves in front of the coffin. Some took out their handkerchiefs to wipe away those tears from their souls. The prayers, the speeches, the murmur, and that wind that only arises and occurs in those moments, took shape to deliver a symphony that said to my ears: this is Chile, these are the real values ​​that give us a reason to Living here, these are the true feelings of solidarity of a people, those are the flowers that speak and that surrender to death for total transformation … Hopefully we do not have to reach “death” to recognize, respect, cultivate and enjoy who we really are.


We are all experiencing a great crisis of confidence. Practically, distrust in all the institutions of the country: government, corporations, justice, congress, police, etc. This is an issue everywhere, the corporate world between workers and entrepreneurs, between managers and directors… The great challenge is that trust is destroyed in a second and can only be recovered in many years. Naturally, there is an individual and collective dimension to trust, starting with trust in yourself and ourselves. Trust at the collective level represents a deep human response that someone is somewhere representing your interests and the interests of all. In other words, when we take a plane, we all hope that there is a pilot in the cockpit, that there are engineers repairing and maintaining the planes…. In the healthcare space, we trust that there are doctors who represent our interests alongside nurses who are there to help us. The important thing in these moments is to start creating an experience, a desire and a commitment to regain confidence. Some say “I don’t care, let everything be destroyed.” A non-purposeful anarchism. I am aware that speaking or proposing the recovery of confidence is easier said than done. As they say over there: “from said to fact there is a long way to go.” The basic spiritual principle is represented (or the need to have confidence as a state of being) and appears as an individual and collective self-realization that we are interdependent. This phenomenon of mistrust must be defined within its context. Right now it is happening within a political, economic and social realm. Three inseparable dimensions, both to identify the possible causes and conditions of this mistrust, and to recognize that the present system is really an accelerator of its negative results. For example, there are ways of doing politics that generate more mistrust than others. Put differently, there are political systems that consume and deplete trust faster than others. Ours is one of them; particularly, after explicitly stating the relationship that exists between politics and money, between political power and its collusion with the economic establishment, a deficient electoral system … The same is true in relation to the economic and the social. Thus, in the case of the economy, well-being is increasingly defined in a different way. Several decades ago we began with purely quantitative measurements of well-being – as is the case of the volume and weight of goods and services produced, consumed and traded, together with their prices or market values. But today we consider as essential within our notions of well-being happiness, quality of life, security … all elements that are indirectly quantifiable and, generally, of subjective human origin. Of course, the subjective dimension does not in any way diminish its existence or its real and daily importance. From the point of view of economic growth and capital accumulation processes, there has also been a shift from giving considerable importance to tangible capital goods — infrastructure, money — to giving importance to intangible capital goods (see below). . And, I would say something else, that intangible capital goods have become the essence of the debate on welfare theory, the political economy of development, criticism of the neoliberal system (materialist), and social transformation (decent work, ethical pensions). These Examples of intangible capital assets are: happiness, empowerment, human rights and trust. There are many more. Trust is a capital good, which accumulates, is reproduced, lasts more than one period, is consumed, is depleted, etc. The important thing is not to deny its existence as a form of capital, but to learn how it is created, how it is reproduced, how it is valued, and how we establish instruments and policies that take it to its maximum expression. We know that it is not traded in the market, but the behavior in the market is strongly influenced by confidence (level, composition, quality). It also happens that trust is clearly traded in politics as well as in society (politicians, citizens).


What’s interesting to note here is that politics, economics, and the social are firmly rooted in trust as a form of capital. Trust, as a form of capital (I repeat), is vitally important to understanding human behavior under conditions of material scarcity (the vital definition of the economy as a body of knowledge). Those who have higher initial endowments of trust, or perceive the system with more confidence, behave in a very different way than those who think the opposite: that there is no trust available to make their decisions, both economic, political or social. That is why I dare to offer some reflections and instruments on how to regain (accumulate) trust.
This does not mean:
i) that today’s system must continue, since it is possible to conclude that to regain confidence, we must change it;
ii) that we do not have the obligation to make a deep analysis of the alternatives, so as not to fall into the past where it seems that there is only one alternative;
iii) that all actors must participate in these processes of accumulation, distribution, and consumption of trust; Y
iv) that this process requires a definition of collective values ​​that accelerate the processes of accumulation of trust.
Although it seems elementary, it is important that we all ask ourselves: Why emphasize the issue of trust in a government? One can answer this question in many ways, and that will leave us with a range of good options to get the country on track and out of this crisis. There is no doubt that one of the answers is to recognize trust as an instrument, an element, a supporter of the achievement of the objectives defined at a given moment. Lack of trust undermines the credibility of objectives, programs, and propositions. Another answer does not have to do with the quantity of economic and social policies to define and implement, but with the quality of said policies. Trust is the key to the “quality” dimension of our development. Also, we could add an answer that recognizes that lack of trust is the cause of the great costs of development and our daily lives. If I don’t trust public security systems, for example, I end up spending a fortune on alarms and other private security systems. In terms more closely linked to the theme of development, it could be said that a high level of trust substantially reduces the transaction costs of said development. It is quite possible that another answer is that without trust in a government the institutional apparatus for the functioning of the public, private and citizen sectors is destroyed.


Finally, and within an inter-temporal climate of distrust in governments (in Chile and the entire world), trust in a government has become the key piece of social capital – vital for dealing with issues such as justice, equity, human rights … Here are some suggestions on how to grow our trust capital: Transparency, Self-responsibility, Positive attitude, Appropriate selection of policies, Eminently participatory processes, Expansion of the ability to trust, Perception of the experience of those who make decisions for us , Perception of the intentions that we see in those who make those decisions, Decrease in political, social and economic vulnerability, Expectations of being able to reach, reach, obtain, Minimize the perception about the risks of believing or trusting in the other, in their products , in its prices, in its honesty …, Effectively resolve conflicts, Integrity and fulfill commitments, Confront problems on time, Pro Protect the interests of all and not just a political group, Demonstrate experience and effectiveness in those in high decision-making positions, Listen with respect and attention, Improve the quality and availability of public goods and services, Tell the truth, Yes you have lied, admit it, Do not omit important details, Do not put a mask to the truth, Show that one expects reciprocity, Be neutral in difficult circumstances, Do not have double standards … Each of them requires a special treatment, which goes beyond purpose of this note.


Can there be real and effective ethics in politics when there is a total ethical vacuum in the economy?

We are not experiencing a political crisis only. This is an ethical and moral crisis that cannot be solved solely with political instruments. A system of punishments and rewards, without including and embracing human growth and transformation, will not bring us to port.

True ethics are not those imposed by the establishment. True ethics is the organic fruit of a permanent process of citizen empowerment.

Addressing ethics in politics cannot avoid a debate on the notion of well-being that we must adopt, the character of “public good” and “private good” of what is at stake, and the importance of citizenship as a collective. This also includes a finished debate on the role that the private sector is expected to play; especially, in its contribution to the collective welfare.

Political Ethics and Corporate Ethics. It is difficult to separate these two forms of ethics. Less in today’s institutional Chile! Corporate Social Responsibility can create spaces to reinforce corporate ethics, but not as an act of philanthropy, but rather as a responsibility that is associated with the rights of other social actors.


We all have our thoughts and concerns on the big ethical issue of the day: money and politics. This issue cannot be divorced from what we commonly call environment, ecology and sustainability. How can this be possible? Is there a relationship between these three elements? Money becomes entangled with politics – first part of the story – when it is strongly motivated by the search for more power (that money can buy) or more money (that politics can house). This we all know; there is not much new in this. Also, we clearly know that in that relationship there is neither altruism nor philanthropy. That is what you see on the surface, or in the color of the varnish that is being used. What can money buy that has the ability to make more money? This question contributes to the second part of the story. One answer is that, deep down, money wants to buy exclusive access to rent from our natural resources. An ecological corruption. These incomes are the main sources of real wealth in the country, which today the political system has in its hands. That is, access to resources, property rights, management, exploitation, royalties, certification, licenses … in relation to these resources –fishing, mining (SQM), waters, lands, forests, water, territory, coastline … A probity policy begins with a correct vision of our sustainable development and the ownership of our natural resources. First probity policy: declare that all the natural resources of Chile belong to the Chilean women and men.


Not just politics. Yesterday I went out with my son-in-law to see the possibility of buying a used car. We only visited a few places in the Vitacura and Las Condes neighborhoods. We went into a local distribution and sale of a Japanese brand, who manifested without censorship, at the place of sale, that the car we liked had a price (imaginary, not to be explicit) of, say, 10 million pesos. After much negotiation, according to them, they gave us an incredibly good price of 9 million pesos. They did all the moves and things to make this look like a serious, formal and honest sale. We almost had to hit each other with a stone in the chest! A discount of one million pesos. And they wanted cash price and cash. Before making the decision, I told my son-in-law to see how much those models were sold for on the internet (for example, chileautos.cl). And do you know what we find? That this company had on the net the car that we were negotiating with them for a price of only 9 million and not 10 million pesos. Incredible the dishonesty of the seller. A generalized phenomenon, where in Chile the ton only has 800 kilos?


Let’s make a national program to green all the schools in the country. Let’s make peace with nature. I promise to help you make an inventory of activities you can do, and also suggest a new ecology and environment curriculum for school-age children and youth. Let’s start now, this is urgent. That all the schools in Chile will be green schools within the next 5 years. Let’s set an example to adults and to all the countries of the planet. You have to be the leaders and main actors. If you lead, many will join! Short presentation. Here are some suggested activities that would lead to the greening of a school. It should be noted that the true greening of a place or a community goes far beyond these activities. It is a matter of collective consciousness, which must be expanded and shared at all levels. However, many people have asked for ideas; some of which must be defined and adapted to their own human and ecological environment. The list of these activities will be, in due course, the main ingredient of a book that is under management at the moment. The intention here is not to have a fully inclusive list. The important thing is to encourage you to add other activities to this list, and thus we will benefit, through them, all students in Chile. The list does NOT suggest an order or a hierarchy, nor does it describe the proposals, so as not to make this text longer.

Main Steps to Consider. I have thought of 6 steps that could be considered for this program.
1. Establish an Eco-Committee that will be in charge of this program with equal representation of students, teachers, employees and parents and guardians.
2. Adopt a consensual vision of that school establishment in relation to this greening program.
3. Create and write an action plan (list of activities, delivery times, those responsible for execution, budgets).
4. Monitor the progress of the action plan.
5. Integrate all activities into the school or university curriculum.
6. Inform, disseminate, include, and celebrate the achievements.


Proposal List.
1. Develop an environmental action plan that includes preparedness to address natural disasters.
2. Go on an ecological walk twice a year.
3. Establish a space in the library to put herbaria and insectaries that reflect the biodiversity of the place where the school is located.
4. Create an “ambient” song that reflects the history of the school.
5. Establish a bank of indigenous seeds in the area where the school is located.
6. Research new agricultural and garden implements for use in the region or neighboring households.
7. Create a high-level ecology and environment seminar for teachers, parents and guardians.
8. Hold a regional and national level competition on environmental and ecological aspects of Chile.
9. Adopt a daily dust and odor removal policy in schools and universities.
10. Greening everything that has to do with school supplies or supplies that are linked to education.
11. Adopt a zero tolerance policy for litter and waste in classrooms.
12. That each school be a recycling point for the neighborhood or town where you live.
13. Fund a small library of ecology and environment books for children and young people.
14. Every school and university has to create ecological and environmental works of art, painting and sculpture. The corner of nature.
15 Turn off lights in restrooms and classrooms when not in use.
16. That the school or university adopt a river, a park, a neighborhood, a beach …
17. Organize annually World Environment Day and Earth Day.
18. Adopt appropriate ways to dispose of solid and liquid waste
19. Keep hot water as much as possible. Introduce solar panels or other forms of energy.
20. Put light bulbs and bulbs that save electricity.
21. Make a plan to improve the thermal insulation of buildings in use.
22. Create an environmental map where the college or university reports on its progress.
23. Define photo and video contests where important environmental ideas and projects are shown or demonstrated.
24. A gas conservation policy in the kitchens and cafeterias of educational establishments. Use non-conventional renewable energy.
25. Adopt the use of detergents and glass cleaners that are friendly to the environment and health.
26. Create a unique, green, and natural environment in a corner of the school or university property.
27. Make a list of the most ecological habits and teach them during class hours.
28. Create a student curriculum where you can find ecology and environment courses in elementary, middle and higher education.
29. Each school should have a natural science program and public fairs where the projects of students and teachers are exhibited.
30. Measure the carbon footprint of each educational establishment and establish a strategy to address it.
31. Find ways to recycle food.
32. Ask parents to plant a tree at school or college.
33. Ask parents to drive less and thus pollute less.
34. Reduce the use of air conditioning and stoves.
35. Find the ways that lead to saving electricity.
36. Save the maximum of water through repairs, and education regarding ways of use.
37. Stop using plastic anymore, and reuse the bags and containers that exist today.
38. As far as possible use recyclable bottles. Reuse or return the plastic bags that they give you in supermarkets.
39. Recycle all the plastic bottles and bags that you have.
40. Try that the lunches to the students are brought in environmentally friendly containers.
41. Create a great recycling program at school, college, and home.
42. Proper disposal of batteries and electronic products.
43. In the right situations, create ways to behave.
44. Spend time recognized by the curriculum to visit nature.
45. Make sure the school is clean and free of litter.
46. ​​Write “an environmental decalogue” for your school.
47. Optimally regulate appliances with thermostats.
48. Adopt a serious paper and cardboard reuse and recycling policy.
49. Make sure the reuse or recycling of paper or plastic plates.
50. Design and implement an Ecological Expo of the college or university once a year.
51. Plant plants and flowers around open spaces.
52. Have an organic vegetable and a greenhouse for totally organic crops.
53. As part of the curriculum, cleaning a park, a river, a hillside, a beach …
54. Be part of a large cleaning operation in the neighboring houses, or in their neighborhoods.
55. That each school or university create and elect eco-ambassadors.
56. Try to make maximum use of the bicycle.
57. Unplug the TV or other equipment when not in use.
58. Use rechargeable batteries.
59. Put a brick in the water tank of the college or university toilets.
60. Have a strict quality policy for food served in colleges and universities. Search for organic and non-GMO foods.
61. Define collective and inclusive activities in the neighborhood where the educational establishment is located.
62. A poetry, literature and arts contest around the ecological and environmental theme.
63. Conduct a garbage collection and recycling campaign once a month during the school year.
64. Create a program where you can have a nursery of plants and trees in the school.
65. Establish a council of students and teachers for the environment. A student parliament at the corresponding school and university level.


To get out of our political crisis in a real and sustainable way over time, and not simply adopt a patch, or make this political crisis a media show, we must do three fundamental things: change our economic approach radically, write a new constitution with a great preamble of who we are and where we want to go as a nation, and adopt a massive citizen empowerment program. Today the constitution feeds the economic model, and the economic model feeds the constitution, and both disempower the citizenry.


All the governments in recent years have accepted the market economy as their fundamental pillar: free trade, integration into globalization … I do not believe that this is the way in the medium or long term, and it is better to start today to change this system . We must go towards an economy that is steeped in spiritual and collective values: security, empowerment, love, compassion, cooperation, justice, interdependence, solidarity, peace … The economic dictatorship that we live today has a name and surname, it has power and it exercises it, it has influences and uses them, has an ego and cultivates it …


Faced with the large number of inhabitants on our planet, the vertiginous collapse of world peace, the ineffectiveness of the global institutions of development and peace, the weakening of the neoliberal economic and financial system, the ecological destruction of our planet, the ever-increasing consumption more widespread drug use, the rawness of violence at all levels, and so many other global challenges, I think the time has come to change the world and change it now. The economy has been largely responsible for the results that we see before our eyes today. Not an abstract economy, but very well managed by some strategic actors, countries with great power, and voracious markets for our values and forms of material and non-material well-being. The economic calculation has been destructive, with benefits for only a few.


The market, which is the institutional base of the neoliberal system, does not have the automatic mechanisms to correct the social or the environmental. It is here that “ecological economics”, “biological economics”, and “space economics” throw up some important alternative paths. A necessary condition to achieve the sustainability of development is the change of the prevailing economic system.


The planet is ours and, therefore, it is our collective responsibility. There is only one planet earth, there are not two. We need an educational system that forms “the global being”: a being that transforms itself into the other without losing its own identity. Also, we need a truly planetary and global institution to achieve the common good. We are totally interdependent. “


Along with civic education, students at all levels, including university students, should have compulsory chairs in ethics and morals (ethics and business, ethics and public administration, ethics and politics …), and contemplative techniques. This is already done in many countries around the world. The same should be at the corporate and union level. Government and business resources are needed.


There is a big difference between a market system and a business system. In Chile we have a business system that uses and abuses markets (national and international). Virtually all markets are in collusion. The great ethical and political paradox is found in the fact that those who are permanently defending the neoliberal system, with a competitive free market, are the same ones who establish and feed collusion on a daily basis. A utilitarian neoliberalism to the individual good and not to the collective good. The first step is to clearly define the nature of the welfare function to be used as a unit of measurement and evaluation of the structure, behavior and result of our markets. A basic theme for the new constitution.


Collusion erodes the collective welfare. A central theme in matters of industrial organization. The most popular approach in industrial organization studies distinguishes three important dimensions:
1. Structure of markets (E) and how they influence the quantity and quality of goods and services. Examples are: number of companies, size of these companies, and conditions for entering or leaving those markets.
2. Behavior of companies (C) within these structures. Examples are: levels of production and use of productive resources, price levels, definition of quality …
3. Results obtained (R) from the different behaviors. Examples are: market size, levels of economic and financial efficiency, individual and collective well-being …

The most popular definition is the following: “An agreement between two or more actors, sometimes illegal and therefore secret, to limit open competition, be it through misleading or deceiving, or defrauding others of their rights legal, to obtain a goal prohibited by law through gaining an unequal advantage in the market. ” This definition is worth dismembering. It represents a conscious agreement; It is not by chance or by chance. Represents two or more actors. It is done secretly. Acknowledge that a fault is being committed; It’s not a surprise. Change pricing models.

When is collusion easier? There are several aspects that facilitate collusion:
1. A small number of industries in that sector.
2. A market that does not have much variability.
3. A fairly inelastic demand for the products.
4. Products associated with each company that are easily identifiable and traceable.
5. An asymmetry in information. Or, incomplete information.
6. A concentration of supply.
7. A homogeneity of the offer.
8. A symmetry in costs between companies.
9. A symmetry in capacity utilization rates.

When is collusion most difficult? There are several aspects that make collusion difficult:
1. When there are enforcement / surveillance problems.
2. When demand for products falls.
3. When the possibility opens up for more companies to enter that market as a result of technological change, information …
4. When the illegal way in which prices are determined is made explicit.


The content (truth) of teaching is a very important dimension of the quality of education. Around the content there are many things to take into account: what to know, self-realize, manifest, abandon, meditate and contemplate … mind, body and soul. The teacher is the key to all of the above. The expansion of the student’s consciousness aligns with the teacher’s containing consciousness. The pedagogy of the XXI century must create the conditions to go from knowledge to wisdom.


Chile’s approval of the TPP is one more public act of its commitment to economic neoliberalism at any cost. This is unconditional support for a decadent, cold, calculating economic system, concentrating wealth … for the benefit of the richest countries. The TPP was conceived and negotiated behind closed doors; that already says it all.


Unless we build a strong citizen democracy, there will be no room in politics. Without a clear path, there is no way to get to the horizon we want; we will never cross the river. Chilean politics does not evolve or simply does not want to evolve. Our policy continues to provide old and stale answers to the questions and challenges that citizens have today.


“I was always against the dictatorship. A dark time in our history where the human rights of thousands of Chilean men and women were violated. A moment where our human and social fabric was deeply destroyed, our trust in public institutions, including justice.”


Chile demands a citizen democracy; This requires a citizen political system, a citizen economy, and a citizen institutionality. What good is this realm of politics if it keeps us all disunited and confronted. What are the real benefits of political victories under these circumstances? The victories that we see today in politics do not validate it; on the contrary, they weaken it}. In the old politics the debate is always put on the table to destroy the opposite “messenger”. In the new politics the debate must be put on the table to discuss “the opposite message”. This is a big difference. Who does not understand it hides behind the old politics. Being against neoliberalism is not an attack on you!


Even if we dedicate hundreds of days to an “intellectual” analysis of the political crisis, it will not reveal the “why” of our failure. We need to reach a higher level of collective consciousness to see clearly the true causes, and to get out of this crisis definitively. Let us not continue to nurture the error of our intellect.


“Citizen empowerment is very different from the establishment’s forms of empowerment, including the current political architecture. Do not be confused. A situation that illustrates this difference has already manifested itself in the debates on labor reform.”


“The right action does not have negative impacts on anything or anyone. She is greatly influenced by the correct language and the correct behavior. Both have failed in our society.”


“What is power? There are many forms of power, and we are seeing it daily between politics and the corporate world. What makes citizen power different? Let’s talk about the differences.”


“One of the most important objectives of politics is to advance and nurture that process of evolution and transformation that leads us to the good of all and not only of some. This demands transcending the personal and the partisan. We have to regain success along the way of action.”


Politics and political decisions have to be inserted in the historical moment in which citizens are living. Exiting the dictatorship and recovering democracy required a special government, with leadership commensurate with that moment. Today, with the distrust of the institutional-political system, the loss of prestige of those who are in political representation, and the attachment / influence of money in politics, we are in another historical moment as important as the exit from the dictatorship. This demands a new governance and a singular leadership, eminently citizen.


Speaking badly, or discounting the intelligence or conscience of the citizens, the Chilean people, lacks all meaning and validity. There is no president or parliamentarian who has not been elected by a part of the popular conscience. To repudiate the popular conscience is to repudiate all the elect, since they are the fruit of that conscience and, spiritually, are governed by it.


Dismayed with what is happening with capital movements. I disapprove of all this. Capital moves where it finds cheapest costs and highest profits. The loser in this case is the treasury of the countries in question. Corporations move where wages are cheapest and profits are highest. With great violations of human rights in the countries that operate. The losers are the workers of the world; a promotion of slavery in the 21st century. Failure to comply with environmental and ecological obligations also moves capital in that direction (supposedly lowers costs in the short term). National and foreign investment in mining without taking care of the relaxation and pollution, the cutting of native forests … The losers are future generations (our girls and boys) and all the forms of life that accompany us on this planet . Which of all these scenarios is the least ethical? Why are we only concerned with monetary matters (capital) and not with other matters (people)? Welcome to the neoliberal capitalist system.


There are at least four foundations of a true “new” constitution:
1) knowledge of our reality, eminently our wisdom beyond the material, individual and collective introspection, and contemplation of our identity as a nation;
2) nature and scope of individual and collective action, total service to the most vulnerable, mindfulness, and collective memory;
3) transcendence of the immediate, meditation, prayer and attention; And
4) devotion to our collective obligations, total identity, love, compassion and recognition of our non-material reality as Chileans. Otherwise it will be more of the same.


In general, an increase in income should lead to greater conservation of natural resources. However, at higher levels of wealth concentration, this vision will never materialize. In other words, a policy of increasing income, other things constant (ceteris-paribus), does not guarantee a greater conservation of our natural heritage. Furthermore, without there being a national conservation policy, macroeconomic policies will continue to benefit “exploitation” over “conservation.” Before the market there is nature. Before politics there is citizenship. Before the people there is the nation. Before the nation there is the person. Before the person the Being exists. Unless a new way of doing politics, economics and social is built, there will be no true citizen spaces in this house called Chile. Without a true political path, immersed in collective spirituality, there is no way to reach our destiny as a nation.


There is a very important relationship between income levels and ecological and environmental sustainability. That is why it becomes relevant to ask ourselves: How to include sustainability in social programs? More specifically, in a country that can already be said of high-middle income, on average, how to go from a simple environmental mitigation to a national and regional policy for the conservation of all our natural resources. Is it possible to do this within a neoliberal system? This question has no trivial answers. The point here is to specify the nature and content of the relationship between income levels and levels of sustainability. Traditionally, it is said that higher levels of income would achieve higher levels of sustainability. That is, there is a positive correlation. If this were true, Chile should be doing much more in terms of conservation and protection of the environment. Clearly this function is not so straightforward since, for example, one must also focus on the criteria for allocating resources, across space and time. This leads to an important discussion of how the neoliberal market allocates environmental resources and services. Furthermore, the income variable should be broken down between level and concentration. This calls for severe attention to how income concentration inhibits further investment in our natural capital.


The concentration of income and wealth is a brake on environmental investment. In relation to the neoliberal economic system, it must be said that the market does not have automatic mechanisms to correct inequality or environmental destruction. In addition, it does not carry a conservation policy for several reasons. First, because it only assigns value to certain goods and services; eg, reproducible and exclusive goods. Attributes that very few environmental goods and services possess. To this are added national and international public goods and goods that are under community or collective property regimes. But that is not all. The neoliberal market is shortsighted; he doesn’t see much through space or time. The long term is not his specialty and therefore he does not effectively allocate resources that have impacts either far or far into the future. Relative to average earnings, this says practically nothing. There are many chili peppers, both in terms of income and ecological and environmental situation. This demands that a conservation policy must be tailored in relation to the different ecological niches, the state of said niches, the different income strata, etc. Thus, there is no way to generalize when these variables are disaggregated. Most obviously, there are conservation problems in low-, middle- and high-income areas.


The nature of the conservation problem is different. For example, in a low-income area a forest or grassland may be over-exploited. In a high-income area, marine resources are being exploited, or agricultural land is being polluted, or the air in cities is being polluted. When designing macroeconomic and environmental policies, we must be clear about how the level of aggregation of the variables that define these policies affects the results. To continue with this analysis, we must clear up some conceptual elements. For example, that an ecological environmental policy or the conservation of our natural resources does not mean not producing. What it means is that the rates of exploitation, extraction, of a certain resource must be redistributed in time and space in another way: decrease the present rates of exploitation and move them into the future. This suggests that there is an optimal rate of redistribution over time. This form of inter-temporal redistribution depends on many factors: the present state of the natural resource in question (that is, how close it is to the critical zone or of potential destruction and irreversibility), the rate of technological change applied, the expectations and uncertainties in relation to income, discount rates, prices, consumption levels, production costs, fixed tax rates, property rights …


Most studies show that at low entry rates, the trend is not toward conservation. In other words, there is a greater need to exploit the resource in the present time; the rates are redistributed in time against conservation. This shows the great importance of so-called social investments. An institution that works directly with the lowest income strata. In other words, there is a virtuous relationship between programs to combat poverty and conservation policies at the national and regional levels. There are many ways to increase people’s income. It is an issue to optimize. One is the income level subsidies such as bonds, cash … These are said to be more effective since the expenditure of said income would respond to the preferences of the beneficiaries. However, these subsidies are not more effective in achieving better levels of conservation of natural resources. Much of this income can simply go to consumption. How much pressure decreases in the exploitation of the resource, or resources, is not very evident. Other ways of altering income are (i) price control systems, maintaining expectations of price increases, that is, higher levels of income expected in the future; (ii) low cost of credit, low interest rates, which allows increasing income through the cost of capital; (iii) eliminate fixed rates such as taxes, in order to compensate for income levels in times of economic depression; (iv) reduce marketing and transportation costs; (v) increase the prices of certain products, since low-income peasants receive much lower prices than high-income peasants, this also applies to artisanal fishermen; (vi) etc. There are also measures that have to do with reducing uncertainties regarding the income to be received in the future. The case of agricultural insurance, clarity in property rights, rents, etc. Significantly improve the organizations and institutions in charge of conservation instruments and incentives for said conservation. An increase in income, or the fact that the country is an upper-middle-income country, does not guarantee the conservation of natural resources. Empirically we see that the rate of exploitation of these resources is eminently high!


It seems important to me to recognize the importance of distinguishing private resources, public resources and community resources. Each of them requires a different conservation policy. This is not a semantic distinction. Think of all the debates on the private ownership of water. I am convinced that high-income people overexploit natural resources more than poor people. There is a very clear reason for this. Most of the economic assets of the poor are natural resources, a Ferris wheel, a fruit tree, a meadow, an animal … Given this context, we cannot fail to link conservation policies with macroeconomic policies. Today, this relationship remains totally neglected. There are many people who think that a natural resources conservation policy is the sum of environmental interventions, such as environmental projects. This is not the case since it has to go much further. Sustainability is a vision, and a way of thinking that must permeate both the environmental and ecological as well as the economic and social aspects. The environmental is not one more issue to add. It is the theme. It is the vision of a society, of a definition of progress and well-being that must organize all aspects of society. The economy and ecology must go completely together, supported by the social, political, institutional… Furthermore, national policies must not be only homocentric.


We have to evaluate our policies according to their impacts on all forms of life that exist in our nation. The most important form of evaluation must be social. In other words, if we use the income variable as an approximation of well-being, the analysis of benefits and costs of what FOSIS does must go beyond the financial and economic aspects. With this I am not diminishing the importance of the economic and financial! It would be absurd to promote projects that ultimately bankrupt family farm businesses. I am also saying that the social analysis of projects needs to be improved substantially. Very limited social analysis is done here. Sometimes this social analysis serves as a mat to tuck under it very negative aspects of projects, programs and policies. This calls for using different criteria in the identification and design of policies. A subject that I do not have time to explain in detail. If environmental and ecological conservation policies must be in sync with macroeconomic policies, this demands that in Chile we seriously redefine what a conservation policy means. At the moment, many think that they are policies in which there would be no growth, job creation … Very out of the question. A conservation policy must be dynamic and permanent, not a football match. Here it is not a question of opposing everything, or paralyzing economic policy by paralyzing it.


These are the images that have been left by the way these things are discussed at the political level. Finally, the role of the private sector, industrialization, entrepreneurs … is very important. The success will take place the private sector contributes directly to the collective well-being, and our society clearly understands the relationship between income and conservation, and does not need institutional interventions. Let us do it ourselves. At the moment in our upper-middle-income country, sustainability measures are in fact a mitigation of the inequalities that this neoliberal system creates. We must change this economic system for a cooperative, citizen-based system. As I said once, we must build a sustainable society with an empowered citizenry.


If we do not have the capacity as a country to solve the problems raised by our Chilote brethren and, in particular, by the artisanal fishermen, we do not have, nor will we have, the capacity to solve anything. This is a problem that goes far beyond Chiloé. It is an economic disease that has infected the entire country. The whole country should be working on this and solving it now; the immediate priorities (human well-being), as well as a clear definition of the way forward in the medium and long term. How do you think that the USA, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Australia … would have approached a crisis of this nature? It is very worrying how this problem has been addressed: red tide and bonds. Without denying the importance of both, and without denying the difficulties demanded by both, this conflict reveals the results of a wrong path that our country is following – economic model, lack of sustainability, inadequate allocation of coastal property rights, absence of a national policy for the management and conservation of our natural resources, loss of human-cultural balance, myopia in assigning priorities, lack of regionalization…. Blaming nature is irresponsible. And even if that were so, we should have a consensual policy on how to address all dimensions of a natural disaster. 116 That the country and our scientific knowledge do not have an answer, already says enough about the policies, priorities, and financing of science, research, technology, entrepreneurship … Today, more energy is put into avoiding the real and true presentation of a deep natural human crisis, raising only the questions that leave in the void a debate that should start now! We do not have to wait for the origin of the red tide to be clarified, or that we are worried about how we are going to excuse economic actors, or postpone the identification of the origins and accelerators of this crisis. We are dominated by a crumbling model. What is important at this time is the well-being of the communities, of those who live off the sea … Chiloé must be our integrated model of human, natural, cultural, economic, institutional and spiritual sustainability of the country. How we want to approach our future. A concrete and immediate action, let us reallocate the millionaire funds of the Puente del Chacao to solve what is really important: the well-being of our people, our cultural identity, ecological balance, etc. Another is to reallocate part of the reserved copper funds to immediately mitigate the human and social impacts of natural disasters like this one. Finally, the approval of a law of the republic that creates a National Fund to Address Natural Disasters, easily accessible and implemented by the Executive.


Great Urbanization Challenges.
i. Recognize that the issue of green spaces or rings is not a minor issue. How to analyze, evaluate and create them? In the light of what criteria?
ii. Establish the identity of urban spaces that are subject to greater wear and tear: deterioration of human life more seriously. In Santiago this is clear: the great pollution is in the west. This is demonstrated by air pollution rates.
iii. Recognize that the great limitation of urbanization is the biological limitation, together with the spatial limitation. This demands changes in human settlements and in how we locate certain public services (solid and liquid waste). Big change in mindset. A great technological change.
iv. Understand the concept of smart investments: social investments in vulnerable neighborhoods.
v. Incorporate in strategies the concept of green infrastructure, with multiple objectives …
saw. Establish that the reconstruction processes of cities start from the micro, through a virtuous cumulative process. Example: neighborhood culture versus national culture.
vii. Translate the strategies into very concrete things; concept of “near improvements”, that citizens see materialize in front of their eyes and effectively
viii. Develop the concept and strategies of the so-called polynuclear cities.
ix. Recognize the importance of semi-urban management, in eminently rural border areas.
x. Avoid speculative goals, incorporate social goals.
xi. Recognize the great diseconomies of scale in the provision of public services, with increasing costs at the local level and with consequences for municipal and local budgets.
xii. Revitalize the importance of the notion, attributes and essence of the neighborhood.
xiii. Review urban policies, especially policies for housing, transportation …


Spirituality. If the new constitution does not have a spirit, it is not worth changing the one we have. Spirituality. The constituent process began with a debate on the values ​​that could feed the new constitution. Values ​​are not words. Values ​​are states of Being. And as such they must be self-realizing. Spirituality. Justice, equality, etc., are states of Being. The spiritual path strengthens; it becomes the reason for being, and is the soul of a new constitution. A constitution that only addresses individualistic materialism will create more chaos than the one we confront today. Spirituality. The constituent process also includes duties and rights. All of them are also states of Being. It is difficult to reach a new constitution without being on the path of inner self-realization, both individual and collective. Spirituality. You have a Being. We all have a Being. The nation also has a Being. The new constitution cannot be co-created outside of Being. The more outside of Being a constitution is, the less it will last in time. The constitution of the dictatorship does not have a Being. It is empty. Spirituality. The access and distribution of “power” to people, institutions, social organizations, the state, the market, the corporate world … are the mark of many constitutions. What do we understand, or how do we want to define, power in a new constitution? Is it only material power, money … or should we also deal with spiritual power? That power that benefits us all?


There are several city archetypes. Here are some examples. The mosaic city. Cities with a lot of migration, where various cultures must coexist peacefully. “We Are All Included” The polynuclear or multipolar city. Cities in which congestion must be addressed, or its growth directed to a specific geographical area. “We are One With All” The bedroom city. This city embraces the main function of housing people who work elsewhere. “Sleep with me” The friendly city. This city denotes that there must be certain services that make life easier for certain groups such as the elderly, those with different abilities, etc. “I help you” The smart city. The city that improves its operation with the use of new technologies that are applied to today’s urban needs. “I make it easy for you” Global cities. Cities where globalization has a great influence on their productivity and well-being. The real estate crisis is an example of the penetration of the global into the local. “We are the planet” Slums. Cities that are a great source of poverty and urban misery. “Committed to our well-being” The eco city. Cities that pay attention to ecological and environmental issues. A multisectoral theme that encompasses policies and programs in many areas of everyday life. “I echo You” The green city. Cities that focus on the need for green areas in a city. There is talk of oxygen, landscape, pollution, transport … Very similar to the eco city. “We are really green” There are many other types of cities that respond to related archetypes, for example, with an international ranking. And this is how we see references to: Happy cities Livable cities Quality-of-life cities Prosper cities The most expensive cities.


Great Governance Challenges
i. Clarify the relationship between the central state and the mayor’s office.
ii. Establish the bases for an effective transition to a new management, a new governance.
iii. Design a process of re-engineering local governments, instead of taking away their power or their functions.
iv. Create continuity mechanisms in urban management, and thus address medium and long-term problems.
v. Understand the peculiarity of city governments: they have different legislatures and different government teams in profile and obligations …
saw. Define how to guarantee not only the investment but, more importantly, guarantee the maintenance. Today, investment from the private sector is sought, but the responsibility for maintenance ends in the hands of the public sector.
vii. Finding the true meaning of municipalization or demunicipalisation policies, including land policies, coastal borders … avoid great speculation.
viii. Consider in the big groups the notion of the Mayor, and solve problems beyond a municipality: pollution.
ix. Create new governance solutions at the local level.
x. Finding the true meaning of what we understand as “local government”.


Great Challenges of Rights
i. Establish special and embroidered policies and programs for vulnerable communities.
ii. Incorporate the Right to the City into the social grammar.
iii. Establish that the city is not only for business. Who is the city for? Who makes the city?
iv. Recognize the great importance of social, human, local neighborhood, ethnic, ethical heritage …
v. Establish how cities should be transformed into spaces and instruments to implement the rights to housing, in both quantity and quality.
saw. Include in the debate how urbanization is impairing social, economic, cultural, and ethnic rights, and how to regain those rights.


I had the opportunity to participate in the Regional Council of the metropolitan area. I would like to share some impressions. The first, that both in relation to values and rights and duties, citizens have made ecological, environmental and nature issues a vital priority. The sustainability of development is the path that citizens want, and it hopes that it will be the common thread of the new constitution. The second impression is that in the field of rights, as an institutional instrument, the rights of nature are recognized as intensely priority. Along with this, the rights that accompany it are eminently citizen in nature. In other words, the need for an empowered citizenship is explicitly recognized.


“The history of Chile will be written by future generations. What will they write about us? We are leaving cars, airplanes, buildings, computers, shopping centers … Is that what they expect of us? Life is more than material things. ¡ Let’s build for those who come !. “


Politics is defined, in some way, as a path, in or for, the allocation and redistribution of economic and social power. The new politics has to change its notion of “power.” Today is the moment of citizen power, accompanied by a very high level of spirituality and collective consciousness.


What good is economic growth when the well-being of large numbers of people deteriorates as they grow faster? What good is it to gain points in the growth rate, when our inequality indices are one of the worst in Latin America and the world?


We all know that we are ingesting more and more things that have life in laboratories and not in natural life. There is no doubt that this manifests itself in our health. For a totally organic Chile.


A new way of doing politics demands that we clearly know the current needs of humanity. Not the exclusive needs of politicians.


Trust cannot be left to one person. A candidate can only represent one ingredient out of thousands that are needed. To attribute an achievement of that nature to yourself is only the glow of an ego.


Our country belongs to the present generation, but it also belongs to future generations. Politics and policies should reflect this. Otherwise we are increasing intergenerational inequalities.


During dawn, only a small ray of sunlight eliminates all the great darkness of a long night. The political darkness of our country can disappear with a handful of Chileans who love this country, expecting nothing in return, and who commit themselves to an eminently citizen path.


The main objective of our development and transformation should not be just to move from a lower level of GDP to a higher one, important as this is. The main objective should be to move to a higher level of well-being than we have today. Increasing a few points of GDP is not a sufficient condition to increase the welfare of all.


Growth and jobs will increase with the adoption of a sustainable economy. The private sector will increase its profits and the government will expand its tax revenues. Let’s get out of this sick and dying neoliberal system. “


A new constitution is no more left, center, or right. It is more citizen democracy. It is more welfare for the less privileged. It is more protection of our human, ecological, social, ethical, cultural heritage … It is more equity, justice, inclusion, identity, cooperation, solidarity, love, compassion, protection, conservation … The classifications used today in the politics are totally inappropriate and anachronistic. A new constitution is a historic mandate, it is everyone’s space, and not the cover letter of the prevailing ideological monopoly. Together for a new constitution “


This is the great issue of today and of the future government. Grow the economy without destroying our environment and ecology. When talking about growth and capital accumulation, we cannot forget ALL the forms of capital that participate in the economic and social development of our country: Human capital Natural capital Institutional capital Cultural capital Spiritual capital Physical capital Financial capital Today, the debate is generally on the first and the last two forms of capital. I would like us to include the other forms of capital, since they are all interdependent. Thus, polluted waters cause diseases and these in turn decrease the growth and quality of human capital (just as an example. There are many others). In this note I try to address only some ideas that are rarely on the table. Decentralization, total regionalization of the country. This will mobilize resources to areas where development costs are decreasing, will increase the employment of people with lower incomes, and all will stimulate the aggregate demand of the economy.


Democratize the economy, for example, through special attention to:
(i) allocation of public money to collective public goods,
(ii) strengthening of local governments by creating poles of economic growth that are also local,
(iii) reconquer the neighborhoods and promote culture and art at that level,
(iv) establish a local tax system to reinvest in local economies,
(v) generate massive and low-cost access to non-conventional renewable energies …
With an emphasis on the local. That globalization does not take us away. Fundamental changes in the institutional apparatus and instruments. Economic capital does not grow if institutional capital does not grow at the same time. That is why to grow we must also emphasize:
(i) promote a creative economy including art, music, social identity, innovation, entrepreneurship …
(ii) establish a new citizen constitution in which the rules of the institutional game are very clear (eg, citizen property rights), and reduce uncertainties …
(iii) increase social capacities such as social competitiveness, social governance, etc.
(iv) eliminate corruption and the relationship between money and politics,
(v) accelerate citizen empowerment at all levels, both internal and external empowerment,
(vi) significantly increase the productivity of our free time …


Redistribution of Income and Wealth. Redistribution in favor of low-income people with a high elasticity of demand. Consumption will satisfy your basic needs and increase your well-being. This may also include the formalization of certain rights that will increase the value of capital in the hands of the poor. That is, the elimination of inequities as an accelerator of economic growth. Establish tax systems where the poor and the elderly pay no taxes. Establish a health and medicine price system that is not regressive in its impacts. Adoption of a National Conservation Policy. The conservation and good management of our natural resources will increase the accumulation and growth of our natural capital. Conservation must also address the issue of our seeds and indigenous genetic material. This policy will maintain the supply of raw materials, minerals, marine resources, energy alternatives … all important for the expansion of the private sector. Along with this, uncertainties and additional expansion costs will be reduced, in relation to the supply and availability of natural resources, essential for the growth of the economy. Art, Music, Poetry, Ancestral Culture, Integrative Medicine … All these activities will increase our cultural growth, highly correlated with national identity, social integration, sense of belonging … This process will create a virtuous circle growth, which will raise the collective and social consciousness of Chile. An ethical and not indifferent economic growth. An empowered and conscious growth. A truly humanistic growth.”


The national debate that is brewing on the working day seems very important to me. But you have to go far beyond working hours. We must debate about well-being in the workplace, human-labor relations, work ethics, occupational health, housing, public transport … Many focus only on the productivity variable; of course it is important, but there is no clarity on how to increase it, or the exact relationship between fewer hours of work and productivity. It also talks about education, training … and their impacts on productivity. That is the traditional, and it must be addressed. However, for me, productivity is increased and sustained over time, furthermore, through the constant increase in “free time productivity” (leisure, as some say). Thus it is that fewer hours of work, accompanied by poor quality free time, only translates into stress, depression, conflicts, frustration, poor performance … Therefore, the debate must also include the actions and investments that we must make in the public and collective goods that generate well-being during rest periods (e.g., vacations, weekends), such as art, music, sports, citizen dialogues, improvement of neighborhoods and cities, free access to coastal edges, lakes, mountains, etc. It is here where the quality of environmental goods and services play a preponderant role (eg, landscape, air and water quality, native forests, national parks, green areas, smart cities, etc.). A sustainable society is the best labor policy. “


“The Decent Pension. Progressively, we must achieve the goal of no more pensions in Chile below the minimum wage. It may be a formula that includes what is paid in money plus direct subsidies to a group of drugs, the elimination of the VAT on a basket of basic foods, etc. This is a matter of the utmost urgency. “


“Today, politics lost its true content. Some believe that a presidential program is that vital content. It is not. At most it is the operational dimension of a government (necessary!). That is why many do not vote. Let’s give a content to what it means to live in our homeland, our nation, our territory, our society … the vital content of politics will be manifested in its fullness. “


“Chileans Abroad. I call on you to participate actively now, and not wait until the presidential nomination processes are decided. Your experience is vital to give new content to Chilean politics and its processes.”


“The need for a new political force – not just the duopoly – responds to the great need to go beyond the democratic transition. No more transition. We have already matured, we have reached institutional democratic levels, so as not to continue being pushed by the past. A lineage that does not serve us in this historical moment. Now we must be sustained by the dreams and horizons that we have about our future. “


Growth and jobs will increase with the adoption of a sustainable economy. The private sector will increase its profits and the government will expand its tax revenues. Let’s get out of this sick and dying neoliberal system. “


A new constitution is no more left, center, or right. It is more citizen democracy. It is more welfare for the less privileged. It is more protection of our human, ecological, social, ethical, cultural heritage … It is more equity, justice, inclusion, identity, cooperation, solidarity, love, compassion, protection, conservation … The classifications used today in the politics are totally inappropriate and anachronistic. A new constitution is a historic mandate, it is everyone’s space, and not the cover letter of the prevailing ideological monopoly. Together for a new constitution “


This is the great issue of today and of the future government. Grow the economy without destroying our environment and ecology. When talking about growth and capital accumulation, we cannot forget ALL the forms of capital that participate in the economic and social development of our country: Human capital Natural capital Institutional capital Cultural capital Spiritual capital Physical capital Financial capital Today, the debate is generally on the first and the last two forms of capital. I would like us to include the other forms of capital, since they are all interdependent. Thus, polluted waters cause diseases and these in turn decrease the growth and quality of human capital (just as an example. There are many others). In this note I try to address only some ideas that are rarely on the table. Decentralization, total regionalization of the country. This will mobilize resources to areas where development costs are decreasing, will increase the employment of people with lower incomes, and all will stimulate the aggregate demand of the economy.


Democratize the economy, for example, through special attention to:
(i) allocation of public money to collective public goods,
(ii) strengthening of local governments by creating poles of economic growth that are also local,
(iii) reconquer the neighborhoods and promote culture and art at that level,
(iv) establish a local tax system to reinvest in local economies,
(v) generate massive and low-cost access to non-conventional renewable energies …
With an emphasis on the local. That globalization does not take us away. Fundamental changes in the institutional apparatus and instruments. Economic capital does not grow if institutional capital does not grow at the same time. That is why to grow we must also emphasize:
(i) promote a creative economy including art, music, social identity, innovation, entrepreneurship …
(ii) establish a new citizen constitution in which the rules of the institutional game are very clear (eg, citizen property rights), and reduce uncertainties …
(iii) increase social capacities such as social competitiveness, social governance, etc.
(iv) eliminate corruption and the relationship between money and politics,
(v) accelerate citizen empowerment at all levels, both internal and external empowerment,
(vi) significantly increase the productivity of our free time …


Redistribution of Income and Wealth. Redistribution in favor of low-income people with a high elasticity of demand. Consumption will satisfy your basic needs and increase your well-being. This may also include the formalization of certain rights that will increase the value of capital in the hands of the poor. That is, the elimination of inequities as an accelerator of economic growth. Establish tax systems where the poor and the elderly pay no taxes. Establish a health and medicine price system that is not regressive in its impacts. Adoption of a National Conservation Policy. The conservation and good management of our natural resources will increase the accumulation and growth of our natural capital. Conservation must also address the issue of our seeds and indigenous genetic material. This policy will maintain the supply of raw materials, minerals, marine resources, energy alternatives … all important for the expansion of the private sector. Along with this, uncertainties and additional expansion costs will be reduced, in relation to the supply and availability of natural resources, essential for the growth of the economy. Art, Music, Poetry, Ancestral Culture, Integrative Medicine … All these activities will increase our cultural growth, highly correlated with national identity, social integration, sense of belonging … This process will create a virtuous circle growth, which will raise the collective and social consciousness of Chile. An ethical and not indifferent economic growth. An empowered and conscious growth. A truly humanistic growth.”


The national debate that is brewing on the working day seems very important to me. But you have to go far beyond working hours. We must debate about well-being in the workplace, human-labor relations, work ethics, occupational health, housing, public transport … Many focus only on the productivity variable; of course it is important, but there is no clarity on how to increase it, or the exact relationship between fewer hours of work and productivity. It also talks about education, training … and their impacts on productivity. That is the traditional, and it must be addressed. However, for me, productivity is increased and sustained over time, furthermore, through the constant increase in “free time productivity” (leisure, as some say). Thus it is that fewer hours of work, accompanied by poor quality free time, only translates into stress, depression, conflicts, frustration, poor performance … Therefore, the debate must also include the actions and investments that we must make in the public and collective goods that generate well-being during rest periods (e.g., vacations, weekends), such as art, music, sports, citizen dialogues, improvement of neighborhoods and cities, free access to coastal edges, lakes, mountains, etc. It is here where the quality of environmental goods and services play a preponderant role (eg, landscape, air and water quality, native forests, national parks, green areas, smart cities, etc.). A sustainable society is the best labor policy. “


“The Decent Pension. Progressively, we must achieve the goal of no more pensions in Chile below the minimum wage. It may be a formula that includes what is paid in money plus direct subsidies to a group of drugs, the elimination of the VAT on a basket of basic foods, etc. This is a matter of the utmost urgency. “


“Today, politics lost its true content. Some believe that a presidential program is that vital content. It is not. At most it is the operational dimension of a government (necessary!). That is why many do not vote. Let’s give a content to what it means to live in our homeland, our nation, our territory, our society … the vital content of politics will be manifested in its fullness. “


“Chileans Abroad. I call on you to participate actively now, and not wait until the presidential nomination processes are decided. Your experience is vital to give new content to Chilean politics and its processes.”


“The need for a new political force – not just the duopoly – responds to the great need to go beyond the democratic transition. No more transition. We have already matured, we have reached institutional democratic levels, so as not to continue being pushed by the past. A lineage that does not serve us in this historical moment. Now we must be sustained by the dreams and horizons that we have about our future. “


“The creation and consolidation of a third political force in Chile must not become a” corrector “of the ideologies or lame promises of the existing political forces. This third political force must emerge and bring with it a totally new way of approaching the human, politics, economics, social, cultural, environmental, institutional … That is, this third force must not be more to the right than the right or more to the left than the left, it must be a totally different force. Defeats and political crises must be left to correct the course of the traditional forces. “


We need a great transformation of human consciousness to understand and experience the Earth as a living and conscious entity. This new awareness will allow us to take into consideration all the life forms that live on the planet. The unnecessary loss of flora and fauna is equivalent to burning a library before reading the books. Healing the human being and / or nature is an inseparable and mutually interdependent process. Today we try to heal ourselves with life created in a laboratory: a great strategic error whose consequences we are already seeing everywhere. It is time to support a great change to enjoy different dimensions for human transformation. Today’s political system is a distractor and destroyer of these dimensions. “


This will have many effects on the American economy as well as on the entire world. It is assumed that there will be more growth and a special attraction to invest in the USA. There will also be a large fiscal deficit, which I am sure the emerging countries will pay for. I would lower taxes on Chilean companies in proportion to an improvement in their carbon footprints, recycling and recovery of their own waste, and in proportion to the investments they make in decontaminating the air, water (fresh and salty, superficial and subsoil), and soils. There would be other investments that can also be included such as unconventional renewable energy, protection of native forests, conservation of flora and fauna … The big difference between this proposal and Trump’s is that his will be dirty and predatory growth, while this proposal will be clean and conservationist. “


As an incentive to the private sector, and as a way to grow and generate sustainable productive jobs, a tax reduction index (to be defined) should be applied in direct relation to a net coefficient of investment and clean, decent and sustainable employment. These subsidies should include, for example, investments in the collective social area: sports fields in the neighborhoods, protection and conservation of flora and fauna, cleaning groundwater, eliminating air pollution, construction and maintenance of rural schools, recovery of our native seeds, creation and maintenance of green areas, summer centers for the elderly, financing of drugs for popular pharmacies, construction and management of nurseries … “


“Soon we will elect the mayors. A structure that includes them should be formed immediately to regionalize the country. This structure should address, for example: Promote territorial ordering, eliminate sacrifice zones, establish formulas for regional taxes, define municipal strengthening plans , design strategies for the conservation and management of natural resources and environmental services, identify the most vulnerable people and spaces together with action plans to address the challenges that are imposed, establish a regional plan for the prevention and management of natural disasters , set precise goals for the improvement of education and health, establish new and sustainable bases for economic growth, establish formulas for the direct and binding participation of citizens, define mechanisms to strengthen public institutions at the regional level, etc. Mandatory ! “


“There are several types of democracies: representative, participatory and deliberative. I prefer deliberative democracy, since it not only improves participation but also recognizes permanent dialogue, transparency, clear assignment of responsibilities, and accountability of all groups. social, promotes association particularly at the local level, empowers municipalities, strengthens interaction networks … “” Deliberative democracy establishes forms of governance that define a specific normative agenda, including the commitments of all parties. It strengthens the quality of our democracy. “


Violence only brings more violence. Peace is the only instrument of peace. More violence in Syria can translate into serious situations throughout the world. It is time to change the traditional instruments used to achieve peace. Whoever sees material prosperity as a result of war conflicts has a sick mind and a disoriented inner being. If the leaders do not have the wisdom to achieve peace in Syria with peaceful instruments, they should leave their positions now.” “Violence is unacceptable, wherever it comes from. The new paradigm of Peace: World Peace will materialize only as a result of Inner Peace, where Inner Peace will materialize as a result of our healing, and this healing will be the fruit of the power of silence (inner self-healing) and healing. of the nature.”


“The re-founding of neoliberalism in democracy demands a clear alternative capable of yielding results in the short, medium and long term. This option is a sustainable society with an empowered citizenry. A path with tremendous human, social and institutional character.” “Human, institutional and natural capital are as, or more, important than physical and financial capital in economic growth and job creation. The economic and social future of Chile demands a change in the composition of capital.”


On several occasions I have said that in our country there should be no sacrifice zones, that there must be a territorial order agreed with the citizens, and that we must compensate those affected … This must be part of a new constitution. I have also made proposals to get ahead of ourselves and avoid environmental problems like this one. It is necessary to change politics, strategy and technology. There is no competitiveness in sanitary landfills, given the population density and the scarce availability of land. All solutions must be of a great human character. The Til Til case will be repeated in all the big cities of the country. It cannot wait until there are truly no viable solutions. This would not happen if we embrace the idea of a sustainable society with an empowered citizenry.


“Cities are not just the accumulation of houses, buildings, streets, parking lots. Cities are really a source of life. Cities are the center of human well-being. Cities are alive and that life depends on how we treat natural resources. of the city, if the city is polluted there is no really prosperous life, if the city is congested there is stress, there are problems of mental illness that we have to address and that health has really big problems to solve. Therefore, we have to think of our city as our home, we have to keep it clean, vibrant and provide us with both economic, social and personal services, so that there is great prosperity here in Maule.”


In the future, the great sources of economic growth and employment will be: water (in all its expressions), soils, climate, minerals, the sea, biodiversity, regionalization and decentralization, citizen empowerment, communications, green cities … For this, we need to invest heavily in innovation, science and technology; in new forms of entrepreneurship; in companies with a minimal carbon footprint; in a new institutional framework including all forms of rights; in the proper management and use of our natural resources; in a healthy life and diet; cleaning all our waters; in the biological productivity of our seas; the protection of native forests and mountains …


In writing this note, I have had several purposes in mind. The first, to offer a series of reflections and ideas to feed the eventual dialogues on a new constitution. As a text, it is very short in relation to the depth of the topics it addresses. The second, to identify those aspects that I consider key in relation to justifying a total change of constitution. A new constitution, with a new spirit and common thread. The third, focus our attention on the need for a new paradigm of development and transformation. In other words, the constitution should be the narrative and scaffolding that feeds and protects the birth and development of this new paradigm that, in a simplified way, I call “a sustainable nation with an empowered citizenship”. The fourth, to advocate for a series of structural changes necessary for this new paradigm to take place. This entails a great accent on both individual and collective values ​​that will govern new definitions of what constitutes well-being, progress, development, transformation … The fifth, advocating a new style of constitution. Not as a major law, focused on eminently legal issues, distribution of power and institutional responsibilities, but as a narrative of who we are, where we want to go, and how we will try to reach that collective destination. That is why this text is not going to focus on all possible constitutional issues. It is a purpose to give priority to the issue of a sustainable nation and citizen empowerment.


The neoliberal economic system is not only full of contradictions but also paradoxes that have alarming results. An example: a high level of pharmacy sales (Remedies because people are sick) is shown as an important source of economic growth. A “sick” growth. The same with the increase in agricultural product at the expense of the destruction of soil and water. A “destructive” growth. How are we going to generate more economic growth? How should we do it? The neoliberal system does not guarantee the sustainability of our development.


It is not possible for us to be healthy with a sick nature. Air and water pollution, soil destruction, climate change, loss of native forests and biodiversity, animal abuse … are just some examples that show a sick nature. Most diseases are the result of the economy and its negative impact on the environment. We must change the economic model, through new ways of doing politics and the social.


The ownership of natural resources is essential in explaining the growth and concentration of wealth. That is why we must seriously consider the different forms of rights that guarantee our values and solutions to collective challenges such as interdependence, equity, solidarity, cooperation, justice … Human rights are a form of capital and, therefore, a source of economic growth.


No one has the right to destroy the reputation of our country and serious sanctions must be studied in relation to the issue addressed here. According to the interview of the World Bank’s chief economist (Mr. Romer), the right-wing newspaper, Wall Street Journal (WSJ), reports that the World Bank modified the methodology many times in an unjustified and disorienting way in its study on “doing business.” (productivity) of the countries. What is serious is that Mr. Romer also states that the motivation for these changes was potentially political in nature (not twelve as he reaches that conclusion). Today he promises to review this methodology, without saying how it will be done, since it affects many countries in the world. He apologizes to Chile, and says that, today, he cannot defend the integrity of the study, he personally blames himself for this situation. At the end of the article, the WSJ also hints that Romer is a very controversial person at the Bank. If this is true – that is, changes in the political tone, not being able to defend the integrity of the study – our Government should present a complaint in all international instances, including justice organizations. Shameful and unacceptable.


But, there are also two other important statements to consider. One, that of the official who was in charge of these studies, Mr. Agusto LopezClaro, who notes a series of elements that we must consider. Outside of defending the study, he said that all the changes made were subject to review by experts, including professionals and representatives of our country! The WSJ does not clarify this situation, nor does it give names regarding those in Chile who received this study for comment or review. According to Lopez, the process was transparent. Also, justifying Chile’s ranking, Lopez said that other countries were at the forefront of reforms, with Chile somewhat behind (an issue to be clarified). Another, the authorities of the World Bank, where the WSJ says that they promised to correct the situation, submitting this study to various international experts for review. What else could he have said by now? Interesting: they DO NOT think of Romer or Lopez. I have never worked in this area as it is not my specialty. Therefore, I had to read about what was published, to understand the content of this shameful fact.


This is an index that focuses on 10 variables: starting a business, obtaining construction permits, obtaining electricity, registering property, obtaining credit, protecting minority investors, paying taxes, cross-border trading, compliance with contracts, and reduction of insolvency. It is not clear how the index is constructed (relative coefficients of each variable) or which variable was manipulated (apparently related to “tax” issues). The best evaluated of Chile is “construction permits” and “protection of minority investors.” The worst evaluated is “paying taxes”, “obtaining credit” and “border trade”. How variables will be manipulated for a new index, I don’t know. A very serious situation, which must be severely sanctioned at the institution level, as well as the officials involved. This fact must be thoroughly clarified, particularly when reports of this nature directly affect our country in many ways: investments, ranking, credit evaluation … I strongly condemn this situation.


I would like to end by asking a few questions: Was this study reviewed before being published by the Representative of Chile to the Council of the World Bank? If he was consulted, what was his opinion? If it was not consulted, why was it not? What other Chilean government officials were consulted? What were their opinions? Is it possible that this study came to light without a prior review by our officials? Who provided the facts and figures for this study? Why is Romer making this statement without first discussing its content internally? Was there a Chilean university involved in this study? What was the participation of the Ministries of Finance? I would like to know what the answers are to these questions since, in my old experience, I have never seen a country report that has come to light without the official participation of the country in question. There must be a full Congress meeting to deliberate and define a way forward.


It seems appropriate to suggest some ways to follow.
1. The Government, or Parliament, or both, must demand a meeting with the Chief Economist of the World Bank, here in Santiago. A formal meeting, of an urgent nature. There are many questions there, some of which I suggest below: Why were these changes in methodology made to the study, which ended up harming Chile? Are there other countries that were harmed by these changes, which are those countries? Why did you give that interview at the WSJ, speaking for yourself, and not for the World Bank? Why did the institutional World Bank have to respond after the interview? Who are you going to name to review and evaluate this situation? Is there a representative from our country?
2. The Government or Parliament must immediately call the Representative of Chile before the World Bank (today, and all those who were in that period). Bring it to Chile and address a series of questions, such as the ones suggested here: Were you aware of this study and the methodological changes? Did they inform our government of these changes and the consequences that these changes would have? Were there inputs from Chile in that study, such as data, contributions from researchers …? On what dates did the Board of Directors of the World Bank discuss this study, and what was the opinion of our representatives? What government ministry was in charge of this process, Treasury? Was this study subject to review by our country before being published?
3. The Government should invite the Chilean economist, Mr. Lopez, who did the study, to testify before Congress and explain the situation from his perspective. He assures in his interview that the process was totally transparent. We must ask him for information about this transparency and see if there were officials from our government involved.
4. Ask the World Bank for a special meeting of the Board of Directors, where this is the issue to be addressed by all the country representatives and the President of the World Bank. That meeting claims to have answered many of the questions suggested above, so as not to have to confront unnecessary uncertainties.
5. Request an urgent meeting of the UN Economic and Social Council and present this case and exchange ideas so as not to repeat this situation.
6. From now on, review the procedures that have been used, and see clearly where they should be changed, so that our country is always involved in all the studies that have to do with interventions at the international level.
7. If what the WB Chief Economist has revealed is proven, the Government must go to all international bodies in search of reparation for potential damages.
8. If what the WB Chief Economist has revealed is proven, we must also clearly know if there was influence from Chile (official, government official, university…) so that this was implemented in the manner described by the WSJ.


Hoy, un grupo de países sanciona y aísla a otro por destruir una forma de democracia. Me pregunto, cuántos de estos mismos países están dispuestos a sancionar a aquellos que están destruyendo el planeta, incluyéndolos a ellos mismos? Entiendo muy bien el valor de la democracia; pero, también entiendo el valor del agua y de los alimentos sanos. No hay democracia sin agua. No hay democracia cuando un puñado de personas se ha apoderado del agua. No hay democracia con un pueblo enfermo.


Corruption has two actors: the one who corrupts and the one who accepts corruption (corrupted). Which of the two is more responsible? Solomon’s answer is “both”, but he won’t leave me alone. There are many forms of corruption, the best known based on money, cartels, economic manipulation… But there are others, equally or more important: lack of truth, unfair justice, elitist culture, false history, health only for an elite, inappropriate education, etc. Corrupting the mind, body or soul is the great corruption.


We must replace the culture of violence in which we live. Replace it with a culture of peace. For many, this culture of violence seems normal: “what else can we expect in this modern world. Get used to it.” I find it very tragic. Let’s start today with a small act of peace. If all Chileans did it daily, we would have carried out more than six billion acts of peace in 2018. Peace in everything; all in peace. Let’s start today!


The worst thing we could experience is collective failure. There is no individual salvation. There is no individual lighting. Or everyone, or no one. “I am because you are, you are because I am.” Infinitely interdependent on all forms of life on the planet. Remember that the sheep is also in its process of self-realization.


“Christian Democracy in Crisis: For My Father I Accused” In very traditional terms, the mandala of politics has been relatively strengthened at its extremes – edges – (understanding the crisis that the traditional left is experiencing) and, therefore, it becomes increasingly difficult to be a political party whose mission is to maintain the vital energy of the “center” of said mandala. Every scale has a center. Just as being from the right or the left needs a “political art” and a strong “ideology” to position themselves within that mandala, this same “art” and “ideology” are also necessary for those who want to position themselves and strengthen the center. traditional politician. Today, the political center lacks both: art and ideology. It is not a matter of nuances, or of marginal differences. It is a complete and totalizing paradigm. The one who, being on the right, has some more “liberal” ideas, does not do so from the “center”. The same happens with the left: if being from the left you have some ideas from the right, it does not really make you belong to the “center”. When I speak of “art” I mean knowing how to paint the canvas of a nation’s historical moment. When I speak of “ideology” I am referring to the vision, the way of thinking, the language and social grammar, the action and transformation, the behavior, the effort, and the concentration, which is needed to structure a political power in the field.


Collective. In essence, they all build the “big message” of a party, along with nurturing the public voice regarding the challenges we face in our society. I am categorical in saying that when a political mandala only strengthens its edges, its ends and, at the same time, has a very weak energy in the center, said mandala is destined to fail. The true spiritual force of politics must consider all the spaces of the mandala, and the center in particular. That is, today, the crisis of Christian Democracy (DC) -no matter how far ideologically I am from its members within the Chilean political mandala- it represents a weakening of all existing political spaces. Among other things, this weakening of the center makes it increasingly difficult for some of us who are independent within that mandala to exist. In this very traditional political system, the DC crisis has to be resolved by its militants and supporters. Today the right and the left have their flags clearly nailed at the ends, because they have a strong ideological foundation, which goes beyond personal caudillismo. In other words, the strength of the extremes of the mandala is not necessarily based on the existence of “personalities” that give it the daily breath that is needed. This does not deny the importance of leadership. But those who have tried to be populist leaders or supporters of those edges have failed.


We already saw it in the last presidential election. Naturally, what I am proposing is a generalization, since there are parties that only exist because there is one person, or a small handful that strengthens them. The nuances are very diverse. Furthermore, for those of us who started politics based on Christianity, international and universal, not on religion, the crisis situation that we are seeing in politics shows many things that are important to recognize. Today I want to accuse this reality for my father, who already left his body several years ago. He hasn’t asked me to. He has no responsibility for my opinions. I think that, if he were alive, he would tell me “it is preferable that you remain silent; no one has regretted being silent ”. My father was one of the first militants of the DC. His trajectory went from the FRAS (Socialist Action Front) to the National Falange, and from the National Falange to the DC. The beginning of it was rooted in the unions associated with the health sector. When I was very young (around 14 years old) and when he noticed my interest in politics, he made me read T. De Chardin, J. Maritain, and so many other Christian philosophers, along with many readings of the Social Encyclicals of the Catholic Church. Being in a Jesuit college (at that time really of social advance) he involved me in local debates of the Second Vatican Council, and many other readings and studies, through the youth of Catholic action. For me, that was, and still represents, an ideological foundation, a scaffolding, very revolutionary and relevant. Very advanced. At that time it was, at the same time, a clear, clear and different ideology, without apologies, without excuses, and without censorship.


Today, everyone is full of apologies, asking for permission to settle in the Chilean political mandala. At that time the themes of the center were the great social and productive reforms of the 1960s, in response to the need for Christian socialism. How could I forget the debate on the definition of land ownership and the constitutional changes demanded to implement the agrarian reform. Of course, I fully understand that there are different interpretations of these texts, and that therefore there may be different fractions within the DC. But, I never saw, nor do I really see today, a Christian ideology such as the idolology of the status quo, of the establishment, of a neoliberal right, of a prostration to the free market … I never saw it, but I do see it now. This has happened because those who started DC were from a middle class, or lower middle class. Today, as a result of economic development, many no longer belong to that class (except for the rank and file militants), but belong to the highest class in the country. Perhaps a far-fetched explanation. Or, possibly this interpretation is an exaggeration. Today, many (not all) forget the Christian origin of democracy: workers, peasants, artisanal fishermen, mothers, the elderly, abandoned children … Today, several dedicate their time to a strictly economic leadership, defending an inequitable and predatory model, which by design goes against the interests of which they should serve. Some of the elites that make up the different groups within the DC speak, express themselves, and move around protecting interests that are not in agreement with a popular Christianity.


A Christianity of dedication and service to the most vulnerable in our society. Today, the economy is for them the Achilles Heel of the social; For me, this is a flawed hierarchy. A big mistake, and that is why some want to leave and join the parties that defend this neoliberal position. But as I learned at that time, the beginning of everything is not the economic system, or individualistic materiality, but the human person. My father organized his presentations around themes and challenges, and not through endless ideological presentations. Interested in poverty, marginalization, health, food, social organization, future generations, justice, comprehensive education … He made an eminently Christian humanism available to these great challenges. This is no longer being done, and many must be forced to generate so-called ideological congresses, to oxygenate a vision that does not move the majority. As seen from the outside, the party does not really have “an agenda of its own.” It has endless institutional discussions. He is cornered, defending himself from the agendas that others generate. As if Christianity no longer adds anything to the debate. An own agenda was attempted in the presidential campaign. History will tell if it was successful or not.


My father and his comrades never felt cornered. They were always in front. I remember my father’s friends: Eduardo Frei Montalva, Juan de Dios Carmona, Bernardo Leighton, Radomiro Tomic, etc. The conversations were unique in the moments of the agrarian reform, the young homeland and so many other themes of their time. The songs: “The sun of our youth shines …” “Not a step back, peasant …” Today, many turn a deaf ear to encyclicals, or simply sanitize them to such an extent that they become non-existent. A specific case is the encyclical Laudato Sii by Pope Francis. There, he makes a call to profoundly change the way we live on this planet, with a deep criticism of businessmen, international organizations and the neoliberal capitalist system. Virtually no Christian is interested in reading or following it, except as an exercise in general culture. If the DC lacks art and ideology, I tell you that in that encyclical there is everything that is needed! The work is done. The worst is the vocabulary and social grammar that some Christian Democrats use. For example, some say they are from the left wing of the DC. Others who are “wing” of the center. Others from the “wing” of the right. The princes, the chascones … No one has yet told me (and explained what it means) I am a “Christian Democrat”, period. To be able to say “I am a Christian democrat”, plurality, interdependence must be self-realized … Non-existent at this time. Christian democracy is a road and not a service station of power. Today, uniqueness is sought at any cost. The search for the real center must be based on very specific and well-defined human and social themes. These themes change with history and human transformation.


With the same force, I see with cloudy eyes those of the DC who, not having a great ideological force, want to go to the extremes of the mandala to be satisfied. This makes the center lose its identity. As the center is dominated by caudillos, and it is ideologically very weak, then, for most of the people, being a center is “neither chicha nor lemonade”. The result is evident: a total paralysis, a failure to find a place in the mandala, and a constant negotiation with the extremes. For a while, the remedy has been to name the center: “center-left” or “center-right.” The “more or less” policy. A historical error of proportions. Being center does not mean being half conservative. Being center does not mean being half of the left. Everything indicates that being from the center is synonymous with not having ideology, simply going with the wind. Could not be farther from the truth. To understand the true center, it reminds me of “The Middle Way” from Buddhism. To walk that path, I not only have to know the alternative paths, but also create the path of love, compassion, justice, solidarity, stability, balance, moderation, frugality, protection, conservation, wisdom, ethics, unification, the inherent dignity of life … It is the pedestal at the center of the balance. The Middle Way has a personality of its own, and the art of walking it is probably the most challenging thing there can be. Being a center means having the capacity to contain. For this, spirituality and its manifestations in the public sphere are essential: economy, business, social, politics, culture, institutions, ethnicity, history … Leaving the center is a suicidal political path. The seizing of the center without Being of the center will move the balance to an extreme that can have complex consequences. Giving up and leaving the center, or pretending there is a new center, will also create greater complexities.


The Pope’s Letter to the Chilean Church. A masterful document. The press and the bishops, with different objectives and attitudes, do not allow us to understand and live a universal message of capital importance for our future as a society. You have to read it, ferment it, and self-realize it. Only critical phrases are taken and not messages of profound transformation such as: popular piety, prophetic inspiration, elitist psychology, being ecclesial, elite spirituality, throwing out the problem, sinners with penitential openness, gathered to discern and not argue. The lack of these attributes results in a great weakening of the center of the Catholic mandala. These are some of the attributes of the path to enlightenment. A document to be read in all corners of our earth, especially including political spaces.


If we want to generate more employment with well-being, let’s create a national, regional and local program for environmental improvement and conservation of natural resources throughout Chile. Now! Examples abound: cleaning all the waters of Chile, addressing all the mining tailings, developing agro-ecology, cleaning the entire coastal edge, expanding the rural connection, capturing rainwater in the dry coastal area, eliminating the slaughter areas transforming the apparatus productive, create a national Chilean seed bank, create a million micro agricultural (agro-ecological) and forestry (rural women’s enterprises with native species) micro-enterprises, implement a vegetable in each rural school in the country, create micro recycling enterprises, transform our food industry without chemicals, establish micro-enterprises of Chilean natural herbs for export, etc. It will generate local growth and millions of jobs. Sustainability is growth and employment for our well-being.


Achieving sustainable development seems to be a long way from many people, especially businessmen, politicians and economists. Several possible reasons: we do not understand what it is about, we have an extractive vision of the Earth and its resources, we do not see or feel the environmental and ecological crisis that we are experiencing, we have not realized the interdependence of everyone and everyone, We do not want to accept the great changes in the composition of economic and social power that this entails (we fight it), we are not willing to redistribute wealth towards a more egalitarian system (the case of water) … Meanwhile, we are eco-imprisoning ourselves day by day through illnesses and great losses of material and spiritual well-being.


How Much Future Does the Intermediation of Political Power Have? Technological advancement is affecting many human activities, such as work (robotics) and intermediary services (organizing travel from your computer and not through a travel agency). Today, technology would allow us to create “citizen assemblies” and replace political mediation (a semi-presidential system and a small parliament). Let’s use technology to empower citizens.


Humanity is not at peace. We are not at peace either. We are witnesses to all kinds of conflicts: warlike, economic, social, political, ethnic, racial, cultural… (external and internal, individual and collective, material and spiritual). Peace is not a word. Nor is it a thing. They don’t sell “peace” in supermarkets. Peace is a state of Being, which we must achieve and embrace through processes of self-realization. World peace depends on our inner peace. To do this, we must enter a deep path of self-healing. Heal ourselves, heal the collective and, more importantly, heal nature. There will never be human peace if we have a sick nature; if nature is not at peace. We are interdependent on everyone and everything. Destroying the planet is a path of conflict. I call on citizens so that together we can achieve a society in peace, of peace and for peace. Peace in all, all in peace.


“I believe that there is a very important relationship between human beings and nature that has not yet been exploited: it is the consciousness of the human being in relation to the consciousness of nature. For many, nature is something that must be exploited, for me it is not a thing but a living being and if that is so, how a living being can be transformed in another direction. “


The Tao of Politics
I. The way of the Tao in politics is the internal and external, but not expressed, or what cannot be said.
II. The true power is that which is not seen and comes from the unseen. The key is to live the manifest that is born of the unmanifest.
III. The politician who only expresses his own wishes in politics does not go very far and his impact is too limited.
IV. “Personal desires in politics only create limitations. True politics must establish a reality that has no limits. “
V. The politician who truly knows the Tao of politics is strengthened in true silence. That is why he is silent. He who talks too much does not live or manifest the Tao. Today we need a politician of the unmanifested ”.”
VI. Today’s politicians enjoy creating conflicts or lines of separation between citizens; ideologies, partisanship, programs, proposals … But in the Tao the differences are not conflictive since all the opposite is mutually and interdependently manifested. Society is enriched by differences. “
VII. The Tao of politics embraces and nurtures true justice, bathes in goodness, feeds on what is truly high … It brings politics to Being, without trying to possess it or be its owner. “
VIII. A Tao politician never seeks rewards and only conceives of politics as a human and social service. “
IX. The politics immersed in the Tao is not only to govern but also to serve. Politicians who use politics and are unwilling to serve through politics destroy society. “
X. The politician who is born from the Tao is not in search of glory, and that makes him glorious. He doesn’t chase after rewards, and when he achieves goals he remains aloof from things. “


The Tao of Politics
XI. The Tao politician does not overestimate wealth, and this drives away great greed. For this, the politician must empty himself of his personal desires, filling his inner nature and strengthening service to others. “
XII. When politics is free from attachment to the fruits of its action, governed beings remain quiet. Today, the politics of political desires keep us permanently restless. “
XIII. The Tao politician is eminently impartial. He is not filled with power. It is the power vacuum that truly empowers you. The path of political work is sown with the seed of detachment. “
XIV. The Tao of politics does not die. His immortality exists because it is full of true spiritual path. Politics and spirituality must be One. ” XVI. Politics has to endure in time and space. It must create capital and inheritance for all future generations. “
XVIII. The Tao of politics allows politicians to reach out strongly to the world of the humble, generally rejected by others. “
XIX. The true political path is paved with love, fidelity and solidarity. A government that brings peace and not a government that feeds on the creation of conflicts. That is acting on all fronts. ”
XX. In the politics of Tao it is not allowed to accumulate honors for politicians. The accumulation of honors ends up dishonoring what is manifested. Every Tao politician who has gained true and deserved prestige must withdraw from the fruits of action. “


The Tao of Politics
XXI. The spiritual must govern the politics of the Tao. This policy should always protect the people, and ensure that they work in peace. The peace of a nation is ensured by the existence of inner peace. All in peace. Everything must be peace. Peace is destroyed by possession. “
XXII. The Tao politician cares for everyone without seeking reward. “
XXIII. The Tao in politics does not allow the governed to dominate. That would be the self-destruction of politics and politics. Non-domination allows the birth of perfect justice. “
XXIV. What is useful in a jug is not the clay but the space it has created. The same in the politics of the Tao: creator of spaces and containing forces. What is useful in politics is what is not manifested. “
XXV. The politics of the Tao is useful because of the force that manifests itself through it. The impact of that force is present as a result of its unmanifested origin: its inner manifestation. “
XXVI. The politician of the Tao is quickly moving away from fame as from infamy. The force that is used to gain more fame is the same as that that generates fear and social insecurity. This insecurity is fueled by the fear of losing that fame. There, the weight of politics is like a great misfortune. “
XXVII. The Tao makes one withdraw from ruling in order to really rule. A government where true power is in trust. The non-desire to govern authorizes government and creates the real conditions for this to manifest itself on a personal and social level. “
XXVIII. A politician of the Tao is prudent, vigilant, reserved, modest, natural, humble, impenetrable, clear, willing, tolerant, compassionate, empty of ego … He quietly realizes that he finished his task. “
XXIX. The true politician cannot lose the way of the Tao. That will lead to citizen contempt. When citizens lose faith in those who govern them, it is the beginning of the end. We cannot fall into disorder. We cannot be ruled by disloyalty. Only wisdom and prudence show us the true path. ”
XXX. Giving dignity to certain virtues makes the opposite dimensions win. Sometimes honesty is born because we live in a disgraced world. Lack of clarity and fairness enhances kindness. The Tao of politics must carry a lot of simplicity, renounce selfishness and abandon attachments. “
XXXI. The Tao of politics has an Inner Being. It is in that interior where the spiritual power is and where there is an immutable witness. It is the portal from which all forms of power emerge. The Tao of politics holds the key to opening that portal. There, inside, the folded is straightened, the voids are filled, the old is renewed. “
XXXII. In the Tao of politics, politicians must wish very little for themselves. Desiring little implies abundance for all. In his attributes he must not seek the light to illuminate, he must not be enlarged to inspire us all, he must not be vain to project fundamental social values, he must not proclaim himself to stand out before others, he must not enrich himself with politics and he will be rich in heart.”
XXXIII. Whoever decides to be art and part of the Tao of politics will always be on the true path, on the path of the universal, on the path of everything manifested. One must be One with the Tao and thus merge with the path of highest consciousness: one with justice, one with equity, and one with everything. “


“A healthy diet is an inalienable right. It is not just another option. It is not the icing on the cake. It is a dimension that has a” public good “character, and the state has the obligation to implement this right. Healthy food now . “


“Neoliberalism is going to die of its own poison: having commodified everything, including the human being, nature and politics. The latter is already in the ICU.”


“In politics we really need a true encounter with the human and the spiritual. A politics without spirituality is a suicidal path. Spirituality outside of politics becomes a theory.”


“When a democracy fails, only superior, internal democratic instruments can heal it. Not an army or external interventions. They do not have internal healing mechanisms. That is why the strengthening of a democracy must emanate from a great internal strengthening process. of our collective conscience. Let’s do it now.”


“If we do not seriously address economic competitiveness and open global trade, globalization is going to become the paradise of pollution and environmental destruction of the planet. Protecting the planet is an ethical and moral obligation of all.”


We must make a constitutional reform so that water and all our natural resources belong to all Chileans. There is no doubt that water can be managed by the State or another economic agent, but on behalf of the citizenry. Water belongs to us and we must have the power before the law and customs to demand and sue the State, if necessary, for lack of good administration. Today, we are spectators and that has to change. Those who suffer the most from environmental and ecological problems are the poor. Failure to correct negative external environmental effects (eg, pollution, poor diet) represents a subsidy from the poor to the benefit of the richest.


More of the same! It is clear that neither the income tax nor the income tax will advance the road to sustainability. These taxes are more on the side of affecting expectations. Nor do I believe that these taxes will improve competitiveness or the allocation of resources. Of course, a lot depends on how those monies are spent.


There is much concern about the low rate of world economic growth. Here are just some activities to grow more: cleaning all surface and groundwater, cleaning all oceans, cleaning all coastlines, conserving flora and fauna, conserving and managing native forests, cleaning the air of all cities and turn them into green and smart cities, decarbonize all economic activities, make all world agriculture organic, enter healthy food systems, etc. The healing of the planet, together with the conservation and management of our natural resources and environmental services, as future sources of growth and well-being.


Leadership is the space and the path to higher levels of attention, concentration, transformation and awareness of oneself, of others, of nature and of spiritual reality. The great attribute of a leader is to transcend and contain the highest levels of individual and collective consciousness. It goes beyond having, knowing, and doing.


We must consider ecological restoration as an important source of economic growth and employment. Examples: national plan for the prevention and management of natural disasters (including investments in infrastructure), cleaning all the waters of Chile, restoring the land and combating desertification, unconventional renewable energies, cleaning the oceans and beaches increasing their fertility, reforestation with native species and the care of native forests and national parks, a plan for all cities to be green, a water and soil management plan in the coastal dryland, etc.


Our country can be an environmental paradise. It is up to us to propose to do so. For traditional economists: we will grow more than ever! We are all different, but we are inseparable and interdependent. Let’s heal the planet now. Let it not be too late. There is only one political, economic and social path: the regeneration and healing of the planet. Let’s act now!


Declaration to the Chilean People
Today I speak as a Chilean citizen. You have written one of the most important chapters in the contemporary history of Chile. You have taken a step of great human and social content, accompanied by peace and happiness, which we lacked a long time ago. In the past, when we volunteered to talk about these human dimensions, the debate and conversation took another turn and, in the end, our different vision disappeared. Today, this has changed, you have changed it, and we all appreciate it, including future generations that are yet to come. It has been shown that these citizen processes are not simply a declaration of “war” and “violence” as has been said. How to understand my reflections? Not as a collection of measures, in parallel or in contradiction to the market of offerings that we see today: the construction of a poinsettia tree. My reflections try to contribute to a strategic call, with the idea of ​​positioning ourselves today in the face of a new future. First, and from now on, the debate, the critical path, the compass, and the forms of leadership must go in another direction. Second, I see this moment as a great opportunity to change, transform, and self-fulfill. Also, an opportunity to serve. Third, we are at a turning point. At a point where our life and our consciousness are ONE, and where there is not and should not be duality. It is a moment of union, where we must be very aware and focused. Fourth, we must not let our consciences and minds be trapped by a sick economism, when the economy is nothing more and nothing less than people: us. The economy must be at our service. Fifth, today’s collective emotions must have the collective ability to ignite our spiritual dawn, our individual and social identity, and our sense of belonging, and not allow these emotions to leave us paralyzed by delving (entangled) in negative emotions.


Declaration to the Chilean People
Furthermore, this historic step has created a new consciousness and energy within our society. We cannot lose, deplete or eliminate this energy. This energy must be channeled towards the construction of a new society, a new institutionality, a new leadership, and a new way of doing politics. Today, the new path must be opened as a result of a correct vision, which allows us to conscientiously evaluate whether the actions offered have the merits that we are really waiting for. Let’s not allow them to push us to choose what “others” think are the perfect actions, when we all know that these proposals are the fruit of a wrong vision. This great awakening must entail a commitment and a responsibility to build that future together. I understand this new dawn as a profound change in the political, economic, institutional and social aspects; something that I have wanted and shared for several decades. In the ocean of diverse human, social, environmental and spiritual realities that our society lives, the proposals that I see today are like the remedies that can be bought without a prescription, and that have a very limited impact; and, where the label generally says: “They are only for a temporary improvement of symptoms, and if symptoms persist, visit your doctor.” Therefore, the solutions of a purely economic nature that are now being offered are simply patchwork solutions, or temporary social containment measures. Let’s not get confused. This transformation must go far beyond simple economic demands. There has to be another economic system that is not this individualistic and materialistic neoliberalism, such as, for example, the circular economy or the care economy.


Declaration to the Chilean People
We cannot accept economic measures that are born from the same institutionality that created the problems that we confront (neoliberalism). There is no doubt that several measures have merits in themselves (eg, such as an increase in pensions) but, at the same time, we must look towards the horizon that produces the change we really want (eg, the creation of a pension system). social security in all its thickness). You have to start right now. This, through a collective map of transformation that will delimit the spaces of action and behavior; a compass, which will define the intention and trajectory of the path to choose; and our wisdom, which will build a new social grammar in the field of individual and social action and behavior. Right now, the great challenge is to set the compass in the right direction. From now on, we can no longer live indifferent or on automatic pilot. It has to be a conscious social construction of the highest level. I am convinced that we have an unlimited capacity to create a new future. Our own future. As a simple citizen, I have the desire to participate together with all of you in the construction of this new society, of this new future. Let us not accept that a path is imposed that finally becomes more of a setback than a real advance: that they make us make a U-turn. And for this we must prepare ourselves to govern, prepare for the unknown, to pay attention to our walk as collective. The exercise of power goes far beyond actions of an economic nature. We do not need more years of experience but a true and effective citizen empowerment, or that we continue to imitate other countries, practicing economic and political models that are not ours. We must have our own dreams. We are a society that has the right to live its present, which represents the only scaffold to build a new society. Today’s economic and political model is made to keep us distracted. Therefore, we must be very willing to include everyone for the benefit of all.


Declaration to the Chilean People
We are the architects and witnesses of a great awakening, and deciding whether to advance towards a new path of development and human-social transformation, or if we put all the energy to return to the past (which has already passed). Let’s not go back to the past; we will become a pillar of salt. We need to build a sustainable society with an empowered citizenship through a collective commitment. This is the other way. Yes, we must all commit. A commitment, for example, with our children, with the elderly, with the most vulnerable… Also, we need the practice of an empowered-politics through another commitment: a new participatory and deliberative citizen democracy. But, make no mistake, because part of this commitment is also to heal our deep wounds that hurt and divide us. Healing must be a priority within our new society. Having a vision accompanied by powerful and effective strategies is key, particularly in times of crisis. Many social movements (eg, the Arab Spring, the indignados, the occupiers, etc.) have disappeared, or have been integrated into the traditional political institutions that, for the most part, have been the very source of the problems that they themselves as political movements they detested. An institutionality that appears as indomitable as taming a white elephant. This exacerbates the need to define leaderships that move and build based on the energies of the people (you). We must “conserve” and “manage” our energies carefully, because the road is very long. Let’s not waste time blaming or criticizing ourselves, but contributing to this great challenge. Today, we have the option of walking into the past or into the future. Let’s walk into the future. And, when I speak of the future, I do not necessarily speak of robotics but of a deep humanism. I’m not talking about materiality but about the spirituality of a nation. I am not talking about simple speeches, but about a new social grammar. 178 Let’s not enter the space of collective political anxiety, because if our mind is trapped by political anxiety, it is most likely that this anxiety will translate into what creates the most collective fear in us. An anxious mind will not allow us to capture the most important of these moments. I pray that anxiety does not make us return to the past, but rather strengthens us on the path to a new form of solidarity, cooperation, and social peace. Our mind must not rest in the past but enrich itself from the present, and walk towards a new social horizon. They want us to waste our time, to run out, to make the wrong decisions, to accept quick consumption measures. In the last march we have conquered our fears and we have clearly expressed what we want. It will be our strength and inner consciousness that will allow us to fully join, understand the historical dimension we live in, settle in the place where we want to be, and determine how we are going to walk towards a new future. I start from the premise that what we are experiencing is true, not a fad, and that it is here to stay. That demands listening to what is happening on a very subtle level.


Declaration to the Chilean People
Let’s not be influenced by the media. All of the above will require a new constitution; innovative approaches regarding the existing national institutions (private and public); of assignment of property rights and collective responsibilities; local, regional and national collective leadership; allocation of our resources (especially our natural resources and their respective services); of understanding regarding what we understand by progress, development, well-being, competitiveness; etc. Many expect me to generate a list of concrete actions as opposed to what has been put on the table. My concern is how together we are going to define the content of these measures. This is a process and not necessarily a document like this. That is why I think that it is civil society that should play the role of generating concrete actions, and the leaders or spokespersons that they find representative, as mandated servants of those actions. For those who want to know my opinion, see what I said in the 2013 presidential campaign, and the 2017 senatorial campaign, plus all the publications I have made through Facebook and other social media: institutional changes (new constitution, no more than 10 ministries, a single chamber in congress, no more AFPs, a society based on rights and not on the market); governance changes (all natural resources must be owned by the citizens with the guarantee of the state, total regionalization, territorial ordering); changes in the economic system (a circular economy, a caring economy, ethical minimum wage, minimum pension equivalent to the minimum wage); changes in values ​​and habits (collective values, natural values); etc. Before concluding, I would like to say that I do not want to see my country only materially rich, but spiritually poor. We want a happy, compassionate society, dedicated to the best that we have as citizens. I have always offered the country the best of me, the best that I can give, not to gain more personal power, but as a personal form of collective service. Many Thanks.


A constitution should not be born out of any dictatorship, or out of violence. Violence is a form of dictatorship. Let’s strengthen a path of social change, with clarity, awareness, firm, determined and in social peace. Violence will not improve the arguments for or for a new constitution. One of the core values of a new constitution must be social peace. A new social contract must emerge from a Chile in peace, of peace, for peace, accompanied by truth, reconciliation and justice. Let’s avoid all forms of violence in our society.


“Without a collective spiritual path, where there is a great collective planetary consciousness, we will not advance in the face of the challenges of climate change. We are an inseparable whole; a material and spiritual whole. That is why we must build an institutional framework for planetary governance. “The environment as internal reality” There are two great spiritual laws underlying everything that can be done or achieved as humanity in relation to the environmental crisis. They do not respond to a particular belief or dogma. If countries do not embrace them, our future will be a sovereign failure ”. This is one of the first phrases of Alfredo Sfeir, in an extensive conversation with Iván Andrés Santandreu, director of Mundo Nuevo Magazine, in the framework of the next COP25, and which began by knowing what the relationship is that this former environmental economist of the Bank sees World between environment and spirituality. “There are two fundamental laws underlying everything that can be done or achieved as humanity in relation to the environmental crisis. The first law suggests that we have to discover the mutual interactions between the external environment and the internal environment. External polluted air affects our internal air, and this is true in relation to space, water, earth and fire. As much as we take external material measures, this is not going to be fixed definitively. With this assertion, I am not suggesting that external actions should not be taken; on the contrary, but they are definitely not the only ones.


Today we see how societies are very altered by stress, fear, permanent risks, uncertainties … everything causes a great internal overheating. External tsunamis go hand in hand with internal tsunamis. The second law suggests that our well-being is interdependent, mutual, and therefore cooperation, solidarity, justice, equity, etc., are fundamental. That is, we must not only practice individual character values, but collective ones. My well-being is totally connected to the well-being of everyone. And when I use the word “everyone,” I mean human beings, sentient beings, and nature. I mean the set of everyone within this matrix of life. Without a collective spiritual path, where there is a great collective planetary consciousness, we will not advance in the face of the challenges of the climate. We are an inseparable whole; a material and spiritual whole. That is why we must build an institutional framework for planetary governance. All that is talked about and debated is about the material and economic dimensions of climate change … There is a lot of talk about the material, and this is very important, since the material destruction of climate change affects us all, and affects more strongly the poor and the most vulnerable. The material is important, and I have never been against it. However, we must bear in mind that we are not material beings. We are spiritual beings living a material life. And where we live this material life is key to our transformation, both material and spiritual. However, we have to go beyond the material. And that means an acknowledgment of our subtle reality, of our inner reality, of our inner climate. We must address anger, greed, ego, hatred, exaggerated comfort, and everything that overheats our soul. This may seem esoteric to many, but it is not. This is concrete and practical. It is a new collective path.


Let us remember that in a few more decades we will be almost ten billion inhabitants on the planet. The world has changed, and youth and children know it very well, and they demand a paradigm shift. They see that we give them an injured and sick planet. It is a huge intergenerational issue, where all generations must unite and act together now. Increasingly, the processes of urbanization and interconnectivity will mark an eminently collective path. Conscious development The above calls for a new paradigm, not only of the climate, but of how to live on this planet as humanity. I would like to quickly share some attributes of this new paradigm of “Conscious Development”; that is to say, a “Sustainable Development with an Empowered Citizenship”. This is the other way. This paradigm considers, for example, a new definition of what constitutes a collective, including all beings; consider a total interdependence and interconnection; it claims that everything has consciousness, including our planet; defends that the planet is one and that it constitutes a total and living unit; points out that we will be governed by the great feminine energy; considers that human beings have a natural identity (a natural body and mind); understands that the elements of life, such as water, earth, fire, air and space, possess intrinsic wisdom; believes that we must not only accept and exercise compassion, but also have an obligation to create a compassionate society, and this applies to all collective values; advocates that we practice the care economy and strengthen ecofeminism; understands that we cannot let economics and politics be practiced in an ethical and moral vacuum; etc. These attributes, and others, are the path to healing the Earth.


Could you add something else in relation to the spiritual dimensions of climate change? Of course. The issue of climate change is not only an economic, scientific and political challenge. It is a great spiritual, ethical and moral challenge. For example, the planet is not a thing, but a living being, which has a consciousness, perhaps as much or greater than the human one, and it is essential to define well the relationship that exists between us and the planet. We are on a planet created, and not created specifically by us, which forces us to respect and care for this creation. We must generate trust and a great sense of solidarity, which entails the self-realization of the inseparable unity of creation and everything created. It demands a fundamental change in the concepts that are dominating humanity, such as well-being, progress, transformation, leading to an inclusion of the spiritual (eg, spiritual well-being). It also requires the ability to look after our own interests, as well as look after the collective interests, which represents a fundamental change in our human and social behavior. For this reason, it is necessary to install ecological justice and redistributive justice in our social grammar, based on the deep spirituality that demands an interdependent humanism and human life on this planet, which is one and which is ours. And finally, there is the need to establish a new type of conscious leadership capable of addressing sustainability issues, directly and with great wisdom. Currently, we are witnessing a gap between the goals and intentions of governments and the need for an awakening of the collective conscience. Today it seems nonsense to focus only on “economic growth”, which entails more destruction of the planet, since it does not promote harmonious ways of inhabiting our planet.


The current use of technologies is rather to own and dominate, or to turn wants into “needs” through marketing or to awaken fears and thus generate more profits. Why is there a huge gap between international political decision makers and civil society? That is the great challenge: collective action; which is something difficult in a basically materialistic and individualistic society, where the great effort of education is knowing to do and doing to have. We all bear witness to this. What is important now is another type of education: the education of the being, the inner education, the education of wisdom, the education of the body, the mind and the soul; not only of the mind. It’s easier said than done, but the issue of climate change goes through this reflection. I am convinced that collective action is possible, but it demands profound changes in our societies, in international institutions and in the most powerful concepts that move economies: not easy, but indispensable. The sum of individual actions in an individualistic way does not make a group happy and humanized. The most important thing is to cultivate collective spirituality. To do this, we must orient spirituality towards at least two fundamental dimensions: experiential spirituality and spirituality in the public sphere. Spirituality is not a theory, it is an experience different from material experience. Roughly, material experience is an experience of having. Spiritual experience is the experience of being. Both, having and being, must be combined in unity; not separately. It is what the Hindus called Karma Yoga: union in action; spirituality in daily action. That is why I practice experiential spirituality.


We must create the conditions to experience the great benefits of collective action. This requires breaking down the ego, fears and collective stress. At the same time, I practice spirituality in the public sphere: in politics, in the economy, in the social, in the corporate … Politics without spirituality is a suicidal path. Spirituality without politics is a theory. I have always said that spirituality must be where there is none. Otherwise, let’s form a club of friends. Today we see a civil society very sensitive to the issue, not only material but also value and spiritual. As a result, we can observe the dedication of countries and international organizations only to the material, to the ego and to what they individually want to defend. The demands of civil society are very advanced and structural: eliminate consumerism, change the neoliberal economic system, have law societies, implement ecological and redistributive justice, etc. Governments speak only of economic growth and capital accumulation, of material wealth and all that. It is a great clash of languages ​​and emotions. I am with civil society. If it weren’t for civil society, perhaps what planet would we be living on? Mahatma Gandhi said that on our planet there is something for everyone, except to satisfy the greed and greed of some. In other words, if there were an appropriate collective approach, we could have room for millions of millions more people. Today, we see that it is not possible, since the incentives are to consume more, produce more, trade more. Incentives say: “more is always better.” For me, this is a fallacy. There are no incentives to achieve a frugal society, a society that is content with what is right. In today’s societies, the scale of development grows disproportionately at the cost of all these ecological and environmental problems. There are countries in which, to maintain their level of material well-being, more than five Earth planets are consumed. Someone is losing their green savings, to put it somehow. And this happens without considering intergenerational problems: allowing future generations a right to life and a clean and healthy environment.


The road to a new constitution also represents an arduous search for our deep spirituality, and for our truth, happiness, justice and peace. Our great challenge will be to write a “conscious constitution”. The constitution of the collective Being of all. Social equilibrium is a pre-condition of a fiscal equilibrium. We need a robust and funded social pact now. It is clear that today we need to build a new economic, political and social system, where we measure other dimensions and attributes of our well-being, beyond the material: dignity, identity, sense of belonging, happiness, solidarity, justice, inclusion, peace. .. This change is not binary, and it is necessary to create a great powerful and resilient human-social collective consciousness.


There cannot be a social pact without an environmental pact. The social crisis and the environmental crisis that we are experiencing today are twin crises. Let’s just think about how the water crisis is affecting the most vulnerable groups in our society. The most powerful instrument we have today is the path of non-violent transformation. All forms of violence do not improve ideas, proposals, reforms … Peace is the way. Peace strengthens. La Paz exalts. This is also a path for the self-realization of our inner and collective peace.


We need a sustainable economic model with an empowered citizenry and a new Constitution that complement each other one by one “


“The issue is how we are going to act as a collective, not to offer the collective, it is not about” I offer you the new constitution “the people are the new constitution!”


We are facing a great planetary metamorphosis.


“The fundamental source of inequity in our country is not only wages, nor housing… it is ownership of its resources. Natural resources have to be by the Constitution, ours. “


Today’s society is the result of what we have done in the past (consciousness of yesterday). The society of the future will depend on what we do today (today’s consciousness). Act now!


Some guiding principles of the constitution: citizenship, greening, shared responsibility, good living, and progressiveness in implementation.


“The neoliberal economist focuses on market relationships. The institutional economist focuses on relationships between actors. This is vital to understand in relation to the resolution of our social conflict as well as the new constitution.” This crisis calls us to evolve consciously. The corona virus has put us at the center (base, essence …) of human nature, the good and the bad.
Yes, we are vulnerable creatures. Greetings to all. Today I would like to focus on two aspects of this social isolation:
(i) share some ideas that will help them live in this isolation (find the meaning of this “prison), with emphasis on developing guidelines for your own well-being and
(ii) do some practices to increase the productivity of time and silence. Some General Considerations: I would like to start with some general and important points.
Three words seem to me we must address right now:
1. Isolation
2. Loneliness
3. Freedom.


We could spend all day defining them, and analyzing them. That is not the purpose right now. But these three words should define everything we do right now. The three words represent states of the inner being. They are not things. They are not bought in the supermarket. They are states of being that must be self-realized. Today you have to confront two types of “prisons”: external prisons and internal prisons. The first is this isolation from the external environment: family, friends, the natural environment … But we also have internal prisons. Our minds are trapped in an internal jail. We are all prisoners in some way. There are hundreds of internal prisons, minor and major. Today, I just want to illustrate these prisons with a couple of examples. First, attachment. This is something that is sometimes very subtle and that we do not realize how attached we are to the material world or other forms of existence. In a world where desire has become a necessity, detachment is a very important path for all of us. Second, our values. Individual and collective values ​​are very essential in life and in all activities and decisions in which we are involved. But there is a moment in which the way we see our values, of practicing them, of manifesting them – as dogmas, defensive instruments, forms of discrimination in relation to others – that are transformed into a great internal prison. Sometimes we are drowning in our own values! Third our logic. It is important to note that we practice internal logic of the mind so much that in the end we think that this is reality. But, it is not reality! And it is in this void between logic and reality that many internal prisons are born and we respond, for example, “that is so.” And we affirm it as if it were a reality. You have to adopt concrete practices to get back to reality. In reality there are no prisons. The sun is the sun. And you don’t feel trapped when you go out every day. Fourth, toxicity. There are many forms of toxicity that are very difficult prisons to combat. I mean drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc. But I also mean other forms of intoxication such as bad thoughts, a negative mind, personal and social carelessness, being a constant critic, use of discrimination, and so many other internal prisons that shape our world.


You know very well what your internal prisons are. It is difficult not to know them, as they are the main source of suffering. If you want to get rid of them, start by acknowledging your reality. Know yourself. The important thing is that, upon emerging from this crisis, from this isolation, from what I call “the prisons”, they demand to leave both prisons and not just one of them. For me, it is very important that you give a higher priority to getting out of internal jail. This forms an unchangeable law: “The external is like the internal, and the internal is like the external.” But what are we isolated from? On the outside it is easy to define. We are isolated from family, society, and the material world. Internally, which does not depend on physical spaces, what are we isolated from? Are we already asylum seekers before entering this social isolation (jail)? Are our mind and soul isolated? About what? How to repair this isolation? We will see later how that is done. But it seems vital to ask yourself this question. Now I would like to refer to the word, state of being, La Soledad. I would like to distinguish between loneliness and loneliness. Loneliness is feeling lonely. lonely. Solitude is being alone. These are two totally different things. I live alone, but I do not live alone. Loneliness is in the mind. Loneliness is in the emotional body. It is important that you know that: Loneliness has energy Loneliness has memory Loneliness has behavior Loneliness paralyzes us Loneliness changes our behavior Loneliness makes us question everything Loneliness collapses our balance points. We have to give birth to an alternative, new energy within us to diminish the energy of loneliness. This is a new way of meditating. This is a new way of healing. The last word, the last state of being is Freedom. We all want to be free, but free from what? Free from whom? Freedom is a state of being that is accompanied by other states of being. That is why it is very difficult to be free. Examples of these states of being are: love, compassion, justice …


There is individual freedom and there is collective freedom. They go together, since your freedom ends when you are restricting mine. I would like to end this part by saying: that freedom is not given, it is earned, that freedom is accompanied by responsibilities and not just rights, that you will be free when you decide to do so and that freedom needs discipline.
Two Additional States: I would like to share two more words. Two states of being, which are vital for those who live in a prison compound.
1. Patience
2. Resilience
You have to be pacient. You have to reorganize your whole life. You have to learn many things from this experience. You have to confront difficult situations. You have to confront mistakes. You have to be able to survive the routine. You have to strengthen your resilience. This is your ability to continue a good path.
You cannot fall to the ground for anything on the way. Productivity During This Isolation: It is vital that all of you improve the productivity of time and silence. Time can be your best ally, or your best enemy. Many people say that time “kills”. I want you to be the great enlightened beings of the future. Meditate, contemplate, pray, use deep silence, do yoga… Stay busy.
Assume your reality
1. Physical exercises and eat well: – Take care of yourself. – Use of the human body. – Sensitivity and energies of the body. – Wisdom of the body. – Union of mind, body and soul.
2. Intellectual exercises: – Discipline your mind. – Open your mind to change. – Change in habits. – See the future more than the past. – Whoever seeks to reproduce the past when he is released from prison is condemned to return to it. – Visualization of a different future: Projection.
3. Spiritual exercises: – Live in the present: Mindfulness. – Preserve and cultivate the spirit.
4. Emotional exercises: – Trust yourself: Self esteem. – Surround yourself with love. – Learn to confront failure. – Learn to confront everything that comes your way. – Commitment to yourself: Purpose. – Forgive and leave the resentments of the past.
5. Service Exercises: – Help others. – Make merits.
6. Exercises of (Re) construction of a new life: – Reintegration after Covid 19. – Not just a trade or job. – Culturization – Identity – Social networks.


“Towards a Community of Democracies” is the founding document of the Community of Democracies. It was signed on June 27, 2000 in the Polish Parliament building by representatives of 106 democratic states who attended the inaugural conference of the Community of Democracies. Democratic norms and principles established in the declaration The Declaration defines the agreed practices and norms as essential for the establishment and consolidation of democracy. According to the Declaration, the signatory states agree to respect the following principles:
• The right of citizens to elect their representatives through regular, free and fair elections, with universal and equal suffrage, open to multiple parties, held by secret ballot, supervised by independent electoral authorities and free from fraud and intimidation. • The right of everyone to equal access to public services and to participate in the management of public affairs.
• The right of everyone to equal protection of the law, without any discrimination on the grounds of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other condition. • The right of everyone to freedom of opinion and expression, including the exchange and receipt of ideas and information through any medium.
• The right of everyone to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
• The right of everyone to equal access to education.
• The right of the press to collect, report and disseminate information, news and opinions, subject only to the restrictions necessary in a democratic society and prescribed by law.
• The right of everyone to respect for private family life, home, correspondence, including electronic communications, free from arbitrary or illegal interference.
• The right of everyone to freedom of peaceful assembly and association, including the right to establish or affiliate with their own political parties, civic groups, unions or other organizations with the necessary legal guarantees that allow them to operate freely.
• The right of persons belonging to minorities or disadvantaged groups to equal protection of the law, and the freedom to enjoy their own culture, profess and practice their own religion and use their own language.
• The right of everyone not to be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention, not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; and receive due process of law, including the presumption of innocence until proven guilty in a court of law.
• The right of the elected to form a government, assume office and fulfill the mandate.
• The obligation of an elected government to refrain from extra-constitutional actions, to allow the holding of periodic elections and respect their results, and to cede power when its legal mandate ends.
• That the aforementioned rights will be applied by a competent, independent and impartial judiciary open to the public.
• That elected leaders respect the law and function strictly in accordance with the constitution and procedures established by law.
• That government institutions are transparent, participatory and fully accountable, and take measures to combat corruption.
• That the legislature be elected, transparent, and accountable to the people.
• Establish and maintain civil and democratic control over the military.
• That all human rights are promoted and protected.


Manifesting a New Future for Humanity, Sentient Beings and Nature
i. By the power of light, we nurture our collective destiny. By the power of mindfulness, we build a harmonious planetary life form.
ii. By the power of wisdom, we heal Mother Nature and all sentient beings.
iii. By the power of pure consciousness, we rediscover our true collective dharma.
iv. By the power of compassion, we hold the most vulnerable in our hearts.
v. By the power of concentration, we walk the path to collective enlightenment.
saw. By the power of purity, we only desire what constitutes a contribution to our highest expression of life.
vii. By the power of water, we calm all our emotions and fears.
viii. By the power of the earth, we find the balance and sustenance to walk towards the ultimate truth.
ix. By the power of space, we expand our inner state of reality and achieve all realizations.
x. By the power of fire, we warm our souls and burn all negative karmas.
xi. By the power of the wind, we can fly high in the sky of perfection and self-identity.
xii. By the power of generosity, we share the internal rewards of our intelligence and the external rewards of our abilities.
xiii. By the power of morality, we can discern the correct path of all humanity.
xiv. By the power of self-sacrifice, we can achieve high levels of material and spiritual well-being for the benefit of all.
xv. By the power of integrity, we are able to establish the true motives of belonging, property and possessions.
xvi. By the power of kindness, we infuse smile and happiness in all living beings.
xvii. By the power of austerity, we understand that the accumulation and concentration of material means leads to self-destruction.
xviii. By the power of non-violence, we lay all the necessary foundations for world peace now and forever.
xix. By the power of tolerance, we build a diverse and inclusive planetary society.
xx. By the power of righteousness, we walk the path of justice in aid of all the vulnerable, needy and desperate.


Manifesting a New Future for Humanity, Sentient Beings and Nature
xxi. By the power of moral responsibility, we share creation and its benefits for the benefit of all.
xxii. By the power of spirituality, we see how to establish new ways of approaching our collective life existence.
xxiii. By the power of self-government, we lay firm foundations to balance internal and internal ecology.
xxiv. By the power of ethics, we differentiate what is right and meaningful in our lives together.
xxv. By the power of true politics, we identify the best ways to manage our common existence and care for all beings.
xxvi. By the power of individual consciousness, we advance rapidly and self-realize our Buddha Nature.
xxvii. By the power of collective consciousness, we understand the importance of our collective destiny and social happiness.
xxviii. By the power of transformation, we recognize the importance of making merits to incarnate in our higher selves.
xxix. By the power of vision, we keep our course towards the best expressions of life on this planet.
xxx. By the power of intention, we direct and direct all our internal energies toward a purer collective destiny.
xxxi. By the power of action, we are able to distinguish the two fundamental forms of correct action.
xxxii. By the power of yoga, we rejoice in the inseparable wholeness of the human being and in all expressions of life.
xxxiii. By the power of happiness, we lift up our hearts and souls in times of suffering and despair.
xxxiv. By the power of meditation, we can transcend this limited material reality.
xxxv. By the power of contemplation, we establish a vehicle to enter our subtle existence.
xxxvi. By the power of prayer, we see all forms of internal instruments and practices to nurture our own identity.
xxxvii. By the power of silence, we experience our true nature and the true path that contains our unique existence.
xxxviii. By the power of equanimity, we avoid injustices, unnecessary forms of exclusion and absolute poverty.
xxxix. By the power of service, we dedicate our lives to heal the planet and heal ourselves for world peace and prosperity.


Manifesting a New Future for Humanity, Sentient Beings and Nature
xl. By the power of merits, we purify the inner and outer environment of this life and of all future lives.
xli. By the power of forgiveness, we experience beauty in others as important as beauty in ourselves.
xlii. By the power of truth, we are emptied of all suffering, fear and uncertainty about our present dharma.
xliii. By the power of reincarnation, we regain the power of our transference-mind and recall our accumulated wisdom.
xliv. By the power of positive karma, we create great spiritual savings to achieve eternal bliss and joy.
xlv. By the power of dharma, we remember what our contract is in this life and we fulfill what we promised.
xlvi. By the power of interdependence, we permanently connect with humans and nature, and with our collective dharma.
xlvii. Through the power of feminine energy, we acquire new lenses to see the importance of caring, sharing and compassion.
xlviii. By the power of inclusion, we enjoy the presence of all life forms of existence and become net contributors to it.
xlix. By the power of correspondence, we see the importance of the inseparability of inner and outer existence.
l. Through the power of service, we reach the hearts and wisdom of others and help uphold the truth.
li. By the power of faith, we have the courage of our convictions to live this life as it is supposed to be.
lii. By the power of the mind, we establish practices to calm and empower our thoughts and the transformation of reality.
liii. By the power of material prosperity, we understand that matter and spirit are one; inseparably universal.
liv. By the power of spiritual prosperity, we continue to practice the path of service to others in a state of Buddhahood.
lv. By the power of gratitude, we realize the importance of who we are and what we can become.
lvi. By the power of purity, we experience life as it really is for the good of all beings and nature.
lvii. By the power of acceptance, we become fully aware of our unique potential in our lives and in the lives of others.
lviii. By the power of the cosmos, we experience the unique attributes of metaconsciousness.
lix. By the power of perception, we can avoid the negative dimensions of attachment, greed, and selfishness.
lx. By the power of leadership, we show the way to ourselves and others for the sake of our collective enlightenment.
lxi. By the power of love, we disarm the violent and open and calm the troubled hearts and souls of the desperate.
lxii. By the power of solidarity, we walk together and co-build a unique form of collective governance.
lxiii. By the power of cooperation, we experience the importance of others on our own path to bliss and emptiness.
lxiv. By the power of justice, we build a powerful planetary society in which we are all included with respect and dignity.
lxv. By the power of connection, we experience union with others and share the reciprocity of it.
lxvi. By the power of our inner ecology, we realize that there is life within us waiting to be awakened.
lxvii. By the power of our outdoor ecology, we realize the importance of every unique aspect of nature.
lxviii. By the power of human values, we can make the right decisions and achieve the best results.
lxix. By the power of human rights, we respect and implement what everyone deserves in our societies.


lxx. By the power of the rights of nature, we commit ourselves to a system of responsibilities for the divinity of all creation.
lxxi. By the power of self-empowerment, we can manage our own spiritual truth and reality.
lxxii. By the power of protocol, we do not destroy what we do not know, and we respect what we think is irrelevant.
lxxiii. By the power of our votes, we are committed to building an enlightened society.
lxxiv. By the power of humanity, we lay the foundation for a powerful form of collective enlightenment.
lxxv. By the power of the sun, we awaken our inner light and effulgent light for the benefit of all.
lxxvi. By the power of the moon, we are guided in times of darkness and despair.
lxxvii. By the power of the stars, we find the lights of each and every human and all sentient beings.
lxxviii. By the power of the mountains, we have the ability to reach the highest expressions of ourselves.
lxxix. By the power of the rivers, we acquire the fluidity that will avoid rigidity and inflexibility in our path.
lxxx. Through the power of the forests, we experience the value of being together with a commonly shared life purpose.
lxxxi. By the power of animals, we can taste the infinite manifestations of life and consciousness.
lxxxii. By the power of the rocks, we have the opportunity at noon to hear other sources of wisdom.
lxxxiii. By the power of plants, we regenerate the immensity of colors, smells and beauty, here, there and everywhere.
lxxxiv. By the power of the birds, we sing every morning to bring happiness and joy into our collective existence.
lxxxv. By the power of insects, we understand that life expresses itself in a unique way and that this brings unique collaborators.
lxxxvi. By the power of the volcanoes, we finally know that patience is vital in managing our inner powers.
lxxxvii. By the power of the rain, we have the most important ingredients to cleanse and be considerate of our body, mind and speech.
lxxxviii. By the power of thunder, we can accelerate and announce the rewards of the Bodhisattva path.
lxxxix. By the power of the trees, we awaken our roots and reach the heights that allow us to experience light everywhere.
xc. By the power of minerals, we recognize the nature of time and productivity in nature’s body-of-transformation.
xci. By the power of the rocks, we have the opportunity at noon to hear other sources of wisdom. xcii. By the power of commitment, we now take responsibility to heal the planet and all forms of existence.
xciii. By the power of the void, we bond with the true origins and connections of our own identity and sense of belonging.
xciv. By the power of dependent origin, we understand that everything that exists has causes and conditions.
xcv. By the power of the offerings, we humbly give as an act of love and greatness towards the divinity of others.
xcvi. By the power of non-duality, we discard both the wrong ways of conducting our lives and feed them unnecessary illusions. xcvii. By the power of protection, we build a society that cares about the vulnerable and vulnerability of all lives.
xcviii. By the power of awakening, we open our minds and souls to the foundation of true existence.
xcix. By the power of being, we know who we really are, away from the distorted nature of having, doing, and knowing.


c. By the power of becoming, we see for ourselves that we can transform ourselves and advance to higher levels of consciousness.
ci. By the power of enlightenment, we reach the fullest expressions of self and others.
cii. By the power of our endowments, we find that we come alive with everything we need, and we leave life with everything we don’t need.
ciii. By the power of bliss, we increase the flow of all our energies and expressions of generosity.
civ. By the power of freedom, we finally enter the sacred spaces of our spirit and rejoice in our true selves.
cv. By the power of my mind, we can become useful citizens of this planet and expand the mindfulness of others.
cvi. By the power of my body, we see intelligence in everyone and we use this intelligence for the enlightenment of all beings.
cvii. By the power of my soul, we take spirituality where it is not and open the door to Shambhala.
cviii. By the power of the three bodies of the Buddha, we awaken to the transforming power of love and bodhicitta.


“As parents, the only notion of success is having helped co-build our children’s future. The same should apply to our entire nation, including future generations. The rest is myopia.”


“Economic crises always exacerbate political confrontations, which represent corporate, social, or ideological interests (neoliberalism, progressivism). I cannot predict the behavior of politicians. What is important are the fruits of the confrontations for social actors, vulnerable people, older adults, youth, women, future generations … and the power to address inequities and systemic weaknesses (overcrowding, homelessness). Today, we experience isolation, hopelessness, frustration, violence, depression, loneliness, anxiety, and fear. Economic stress has raised social stresses that already existed before the pandemic. That had been ignored: inequality, poor health, absence of basic services, fragile social fabric, environmental injustice, and violation of human rights. This crisis is not a matter of numbers but of people. “Addressing only the economic would be a historical mistake. Leaders must self-realize how citizens experience countless crises: health, human-social and spiritual, caused directly by an indifferent neoliberal system. Our regrouping cannot be based solely on economics. Only an economic debate is something fraudulent and irrelevant. “I do not detract from some issues to consider such as: how many resources do we have without banking our future; who should benefit; how to prevent everything from going to consumption and not ‘smart investments’ (decontaminate water, create ecological buffer zones, plant millions of native trees, urban and rural vegetables…); how to define institutional leadership beyond Finance; how to choose financing options with a high human-social impact; when to rapidly develop the local and health economy; how to define the productivity of fiscal spending … “What is urgent should not annul citizen participation. What is urgent must be socially legitimate, based on political trust, the different options to be implemented, and the institutional framework for constituent participation. The resources of the state are ours and we have the right to decide. The political map is out of date and we must add other social actors and citizens (eg, indigenous peoples, mayors, neighborhood and union leaders, students, private sector). We are spending our last quota of legitimacy, trust, dignity, credibility, and fairness. A failure now will have an unimaginable cost. “We need to make a deep reflection on the critical path to follow within a totally consensual management. Develop a national management forum. Define a community search process to achieve dignified and supportive treatment, with social and environmental justice for all. “Nothing should take place within a value or ethical vacuum. Everything must be inserted within legitimate institutional structures (eg, “Ombuds-Person” for implementation). We must not transfer responsibilities to citizens for poor political management. We cannot be permanently in a political salvage operation. “The great challenge is to establish how we are going to regroup once this pandemic is over. It is mandatory to change the epicenter of the debate, and avoid a social collapse caused by politics and the economy. A consensual agreement is our last shot. “


The Sustainable Corporation of the XXI Century
Here are some of the attributes of this new company:
1. Profit will not be the only food for the company.
2. The company will have to make a very important contribution to the collective welfare of the society where it is inserted.
3. The company will make a net contribution to the planet with carbon footprints close to zero
4. The company will be responsible for one hundred percent of all its external negative effects, both social and environmental.
5. Companies will be spaces for self-realization.
6. Companies will not only be places of production or workplaces but ways of life for all those who work in them.
7. Innovation will include both the business and the environment and the soul of all those who are involved.
8. Workers will not be factors of production but collaborators and there will be many forms of collaboration.
9. Competitiveness will be clean for the benefit of all humanity; an immaculate protection of the human and natural environment.
10. The social dimension will be a priority both in its responsibility, allocation of resources and the implementation of specific activities.
11. The organization of work and workers will correspond to a more integrated, fair and coherent relationship.
12. Technology, innovation and strategic analysis will have greater unity and will be made available to both business and social problems.
13. The organization will be less pyramidal and hierarchical and more horizontal and in a matrix network.
14. Management attention will not only be internal to the company but also external, with recognition of its interdependence.
15. Integration will not be physical or top-down, but highly virtual.
16. Challenges at the global level will be better calibrated and will take into account local and domestic issues.
17. Everyone will seek the practice of contemplative techniques as a key tool in the development of human capital.
18. The labor organization will be much more participatory and oriented towards a new and renewed form of human capital.


Today’s sequence:
Economic growth: “how fast the cake grows”
Economic and social development: “who eats the cake”
Sustainable development: “how long does the cake last?”
Empowered development: “who decides how the cake is distributed”
Conscious development: “awareness of the ingredients of the cake”.
The sequence of the future:
It will be the levels of consciousness that will define the horizon and the content of empowerment.
It will be that empowerment that will co-create the sustainability of development. It will be that path of sustainability that will establish the patterns of human-social equity.
It will be those patterns of social equity that will define the forms of economic growth.

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