Our Messages

La falta de conexión de los humanos con otros seres y el planeta - A falta de ligação dos humanos aos outros seres e ao planeta

by Inquietações | Podcast on Spotify | Alfredo Sfeir -Younis - Madalena Almeida

Cambiando Los Estados Negativos De Tu Mente

by Alfredo Sfeir-Younis - Dzambling Cho Tab Khen

Buscando Una Vida Mejor

by Alfredo Sfeir-Younis - Dzambling Cho Tab Khen

Una Vida En Conflicto

by Alfredo Sfeir-Younis - Dzambling Cho Tab Khen

The Path to a Peaceful Planet: A Conversation with a Visionary Economist Part 1

Dr. Alfredo Sfeir-Younis on “Life with a Lama Healer” Podcast

The Path to a Peaceful Planet: A Conversation with a Visionary Economist Part 2

Dr. Alfredo Sfeir-Younis on “Life with a Lama Healer” Podcast

Alfredo Sfeir at El ABC de la Banca, Costa Rica

Episode: La Economía del Futuro y la Toma de Consciencia.

Alfredo Sfeir at Chillán

2017 Senatorial Campaign

Alfredo Sfeir at the IDMA

2017 Senatorial Campaign

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